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wijnandsj t1_je8wesv wrote

Ok, I'll bite. Why the fasting?


samaxe1000 OP t1_je9gnm5 wrote

For me, trying to lose a few pounds for an upcoming summer trip. So far I lost 10 pounds.


Arsenic0 t1_jeacaqa wrote

I thought you fasting because of Ramadan for a moment since it started last week


samaxe1000 OP t1_jeagfr5 wrote

Nope, its so I can wear speedos at the beach


Arsenic0 t1_jeajzbz wrote

Bless you I laughed so hard XD


samaxe1000 OP t1_jeaxt7c wrote

Mediterranean beaches and southeast asia with Europeans - common to see speedos. I might as well join in.


Mosamania t1_jeaydxq wrote

And IF he is fasting because of Ramadan, would you still downvote his post?


Arsenic0 t1_jecfp3e wrote

No, BTW I'm fasting Ramadan myself


Mosamania t1_jee1bm8 wrote

Awesome, me too. Sorry if I sounded accusatory but reddit generally has a hard anti-religious tendency that I find unpleasant. Good on you mate.


thatcarolguy t1_jeaa4o3 wrote

Nothing wrong with a fast here and there but if it is just to lose weight fast the vast majority will be water.


samaxe1000 OP t1_jeaag6f wrote

Not true if in ketosis. Ketosis is when your body depletes all GLYCOGEN (sugar carbs) and uses body fat as fuel. For me, I lost some fat cells so far just by breathing.


thatcarolguy t1_jeah5s2 wrote

Your body burns fat and muscle whenever you are in a caloric deficit of any type. The benefit of a fast for quick fat loss is that it is the fastest (outside of extreme endurance exercise) way to burn fat. If you could burn 3500 calories per day (which is probably a bit more than you really do but a nice number because....) it would mean that you burn the equivalent of 1 pound of fat per day (though some of it will be muscle). There is nothing magical about ketosis that can make you burn more fat than the amount of energy you expend in a day.

If humans (who are not suffering from extreme morbid obesity) could lose 10 lbs of fat from fasting for 2 days then our species would have gone extinct long ago.

Also, you don't lose fat cells, you just reduce the amount of fat stored inside of them.

Do you reject the idea that you are also shedding large quantities of water due to glycogen reserves being depleted?


[deleted] t1_jeaiolc wrote



MDZPNMD t1_jebdwfk wrote

It's true. Burning fat is your bodies reaction to a caloric deficit in the absence of glycogen storages or carbs in general.

When you fast your glycogen gets depleted, 1g of glycogen binds 5g of water so you'll mostly lose water during the early stages of fasting and afterwards ketosis starts and breaks down your muscles and fat.

With a high caloric deficit the body will also start to break down muscles more than fat because it thinks you're running away from the British again and those pescy muscles will only use up more energy in the future so it is more efficient to get rid of them primarily instead of the fat too outlast the british.


If you want to lose fat long term it is not a great method, you should strive for a medium to low but constant caloric deficit.

Intermittent fasting can be an alternative for you if you like fasting. In general all that counts for diets is that you have a caloric deficit but not to much to slow down metabolism.

I know we are all unhappy with our bodies sometimes and always look for quick and easy ways to achieve our goals but for losing weight naturally we haven't found one.

Maybe give the intermittent fasting a shot, works great after getting used to it and helped me to lose 15kg in a year after the lockdowns, also helped my godmother to go from big chonker to chubby.


squiggling-aviator t1_jebk1oi wrote

You lose muscle if you're not exercising. I actually was able to gain in the gym during keto.


reticulatedjig t1_jebubrh wrote

Second intermittent fasting! I don't do it for weight loss, that's a side benefit, I like it cause my energy levels are consistent throughout the work day. I cheat on Saturday though, love breakfast foods too much, so I'll have breakfast then my normal meal around 6


squiggling-aviator t1_jebjmvf wrote

Be careful not to hit it too hard. Keto diet is still my go to for readjusting my body fat percentage. It works so well once you get past the keto flu. You just gotta balance your calorie intake as well.


samaxe1000 OP t1_jebkbfe wrote

Electrolytes with potassium is the secret to the flu. I eat new york strip steaks and salads. 700 calories. Its hard to over calories in keto unless you cheat.


Maneisthebeat t1_je9h1nn wrote

Is this for BODYBUILDING? As I'm not sure in what other sport you need to FAST so aggressively?


samaxe1000 OP t1_je9hypm wrote

Maybe some do. Arnold wrote about ketosis and fasting when he competed. But I think others rely on diuretics drugs nowadays. My ex roommate took chembuterol drugs to shredd for competition. Probably not healthy way.

GSP is vocal about fasting too.


Mosamania t1_je8x6tf wrote

Fasting is the perfect way to lose weight quickly. There are multiple fasting regiments, one of which is the 48 hour fast. I am currently doing a 72 hour fast regiments broken then by a large meal followed by 72 hours for the next month.

It's been two weeks and I lost 15 Lbs should be around 25 to 35 Lbs a month in this regiment. It's not easy, especially if you are just starting out, but as you get used to it is extremely easy and doable, you just have to be careful regarding your micronutrients needs during your meal.

There is a 5 day regiment followed by two open days, but I get weak and dizzy by the 4th day as I am not used to it enough, so for now the 72 hours regiments will do fine.


TheFrator t1_je9zi8k wrote

Shoutout to 18:6 intermittent fasting for keeping me sane these past few years. Helped me lose some weight a few years ago. Ofc it’s CICO, but IF worked best for me.


MikeDaUnicorn t1_je8z9wk wrote

It's not only for losing weight. I am fasting pretty regularly for mitochondrial biogenesis and autophagy. In other words, for longevity.


Mosamania t1_je90qbe wrote

There is still not enough data on this subject to be officially scientifically supported as it pertains to humans specifically, so I will not he fasting for those reasons. But I do have enough data that says it will do away with my gut, so I'll take that for now, if it comes with longevity then that's a bonus.


No_Analysis6187 t1_je9anfd wrote

That's an express ticket for hypoglycemia


Mosamania t1_jea0j9s wrote

Fasting is just snake oil and the weight loss is just placebo. You only need an apple dongle to lose weight.


Practical-Cup9537 t1_je9wh2p wrote

Redditors are afraid of weightloss apparently. Everyone is Downvoting people for fasting and their reasons why lol


TheFrator t1_je9zs36 wrote

Quite odd. But fasting does have the super adamant minority of people that are off putting. Like with cross fit, vegans, and even some audiophiles. I intermittent fast and it helps me a lot. But most people tell me I’m weird for not eating until 3pm haha


Practical-Cup9537 t1_jea0a5t wrote

With anything it is good in moderation. It safe as long as it is done correctly and you aren't just eating a bunch of junk when your eating period comes around! I did it myself for a bit to kick off trying to eat less in general.


samaxe1000 OP t1_jea2aoy wrote

I do same but my Blood glucose was still 131. Should check yours.


MuchSalt t1_jea5rgz wrote

i guess because its currently fasting month and reddit hate religions


entropyffan t1_jea74pi wrote

Internet spread a lot of snake oils for losing weight. As far as I know this is one of them.


TheFrator t1_jea9g4v wrote

It’s a tool not a solution. CICO is all the matters. I will say it’s very difficult to eat more than your daily allotment of calories in a a single meal or in a 4 hours time period. The problem is the zealots (like with most lifestyle trends) who treat it like the 2nd coming of Jesus.


Mosamania t1_jeakzay wrote

Is it like the amps make mo difference snake oil? Because two years ago I did intermittent fasting to lose weight, I went from 134kg (295 Lbs) to 89kg (196 Lbs) in 9 months.

If this is snake oil, then please give me more of it. It might not work for everybody but it sure as hell worked for me.


entropyffan t1_jebah4w wrote

Likely you lost weight because your calories intake was smaller than your calories consumption.

I tried the 6 hour by 18 hour, eating whatever I want, and got heavier.

If fasting help you eat less, great. But what matters more is the calories balance.


Mosamania t1_jebd78i wrote

Of course fasting is about minimizing calories intake. Do you think fasting is like some sort of magic? Or do you think I think it is some sort of magic? The entire point of fasting g is to be in a negative caloric balance compared to your daily maintenance.

Yeah, you can be in a minimal caloric deficit for a long time to induce weight loss over a long period of time, but if you want it to get it over and done and lose weight faster, you start fasting. That 6:18 thing is bullshit, it all boils down to induction of caloric deficit vis a vis your weight maintenance requirement, that's it.

God this comment of yours pisses me off so much. You think I am a fucking moron? And don't go around flinging "Snake oil" around when you don't even know what the fuck you are talking about, and who you are talking to it about. Go get a Chu and an Apple dongle.


entropyffan t1_jebi333 wrote

If facts are pissing you off, problem is on you.

Calories in, calories out is all that matters. Fasting is just unnecessary.

Want lose weight fast, large calorie deficit. That is all and it is scientifically tested btw.


samaxe1000 OP t1_jebpv94 wrote

You can go ahead and eat Donuts and Doritos all you want and stay under calories… won’t lose weight. Lol.


entropyffan t1_jebum02 wrote

Dude, you are the guy who did 48 HOURS of fasting to lose weight.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous this is?

Go ahead and read the posts about burn in and cables improving the sound of a headphone.

This is the level you are.

Get out of social media diets, go to a respectable doctor for help or go study good material about diets.


Mosamania t1_jeblmcv wrote



entropyffan t1_jebumd7 wrote

Fasting helps you to lose weight.

Expensive cables make your music sound better.

Burn in is real.

Go on, live the life the way you want. Easy way with reason beside you, difficult way with misinformation spread on the internet.

Life is yours in the end.


theInfamousPlatypus t1_jec2qaz wrote

You are correct.

The distinction here most aren’t making is the difference between weight and fat. If you wanna lose weight—yeah starve yourself, keto or not. You wanna lose fat and actually be healthy—do what you said.

Intermittent fasting, like both of you have said, doesn’t help directly but can limit how much you can eat. That being said—a two day fast is bullshit for any long-term goal.


samaxe1000 OP t1_jebpqog wrote

The issue isn’t any program for you…but rather your own self control. If you work on that then you will achieve your goals.


theInfamousPlatypus t1_jec2w16 wrote

Why do you fast for temporary results rather than having a consistent diet and exercise then?


samaxe1000 OP t1_jea20gf wrote

I’m not obese and eat healthy but after getting a physical I got bad news about being in the verge of diabetes and hypertension. It was a Reality check.


Maneisthebeat t1_je9h475 wrote

What's the amp and how do you find it?


samaxe1000 OP t1_je9icvv wrote

Its FIIO k9. Maybe it’s overkill. My $200 dac amp sounds the same to me. But it does have extra features.


Maneisthebeat t1_je9j0oq wrote

You don't need to tell me about overkill! I went for the RME ADI 2 for my (original) HD800. For me it was just the perfect all-in-one solution. Quality is perfect, Dac/Amp all in a very small form factor. All the settings, functions and tweaking possibilities I could ever want, parametric EQ, crossfeed, you name it.

And when I one day have a speaker system, it can do a fine job with those too.

That, and it's gorgeous. Nothing more mesmerising than watching the frequency bands dance.

Can I get something 1/5th the price? Sure. But for me, this is perfect, and always will be.

Only thing I still want to audition is tubes...


Alypius754 t1_je9opca wrote

Gah I feel this in my soul. Waiting on my Bifrost 2/64, then want the ADI 2, and maybe build the S.E.X. amp to complement my Crack. Ah well. My kids don't need college...


samaxe1000 OP t1_je9jp69 wrote

I may just keep my BTR7. I like to walk around the house with my headphones on.

and sell the k9 pro. Where can I sell it?


Maneisthebeat t1_je9jtv4 wrote

Ebay, r/avexchange, head-fi (forums).

These are the options I'm aware of. Good luck!


radrod69 t1_jea8njd wrote

Easiest way in my experience has been r/AVexchange.


samaxe1000 OP t1_jeab16j wrote


entropyffan t1_jebjhpo wrote

I will give you my advice which is based on the scientific facts I am aware of.

Calorie balance is what matters most for losing weight. IF is just unnecessary effort that matters very little and is based mostly in anecdotal evidences.

And btw I did IF for some time, lose weight, gain weight, accordingly with calorie balance.


samaxe1000 OP t1_jebkm21 wrote

Actually in keto, calorie counting isn’t tracked because a low carb and high fats and proteins makes you feel full. So you end up under calories automatically.

Its more about insulin response and resistance.


entropyffan t1_jebur9l wrote

This is snake oil my dude. Forget people on the internet talking shit. Forget about anecdotal evidences on the internet. Social media diets are borderline dangerous to a person health.

Go study on the sources, scientific articles, or keep simple, do the traditional method of eating balanced healthy food and counting calories if necessarily. Get help with a respectable doctor.


n0nnn t1_jealymz wrote

I guess fasting is out of my budget.


NationOfSheeps t1_jedqzxl wrote

Can you recommend me an álbum of Ibiza chill music? Thank you .


samaxe1000 OP t1_jedr6ou wrote

Its a Station on Apple Music app. They partnered with TuneIn.

Or directly on TuneIn app.

TuneIn sounds better. There’s is a 7 day trial.