
thrwayhairbortion t1_ja33bqo wrote

Hey kid, not only did you not fuck up, you may have saved your dog's life.

If the seizure happened in the dog's sleep, no one may have noticed and the dog could have died. Everyone being awake may be the only reason the dog survives.


thrwayhairbortion t1_j5tm0bo wrote

It's weird that you're trying to pretend there's an end goal here now because that's the only thing suiting your argument.

It's not my job to try and make racist people change. It's not my obligation or responsibility and it's incredibly racist and sexist of you to suggest otherwise.

Why do you care more about the feelings of the racist than the victims?


thrwayhairbortion t1_j5tjtqe wrote

Lol, what? No, they won't.

There's ZERO evidence that a stranger on Reddit reading this will take you seriously, particularly when they don't think they're doing anything wrong.

Second, I don't have an obligation to make the OP a better person, because guess what?

I'm more concerned with the victims of racism reading this than I am with OPs little racist feelings that you keep trying to justify.


thrwayhairbortion t1_j5tj9i8 wrote

Considering they're a teenager who has never left the country, no, they weren't.

We have a LOT of information suggesting OP is just a terrible person, including their comment that it was okay to mock a disabled child because the mother "should've given it up."

We actually have quite a bit of information suggesting OP is just, in fact, a terrible person.

And btw, condoning and supporting racism isn't compassion. It's enabling.