
philly1750 t1_j85rfjn wrote

I’m not petty for wanting to go above the speed limit in the left lane.

This is why American highway’s are so slow because everyone thinks that it’s ok to drive below the speed limit in the left lane

The signs on the highways that say “slower traffic keep right” and “keep right except passing” say it for a reason


philly1750 t1_j84pu54 wrote

I’ve driven 89 so many times and never seen any road rage or bad driving comparing to what I see where I live.

No really if you think 89 is bad then come drive on any rural highway in Quebec or Ontario and you’ll see that they’re total shitshow’s

They’re full of people doing 60mph in the left lane and people merging onto the highway doing 45mph


philly1750 t1_j5z4scf wrote

I want everyone who complains about how "expensive" it is to live in Vermont to come and spend a day up here in Canada. Only then will they see what insane costs of living are


philly1750 t1_j5s1au1 wrote

You'll be fine if you go to socialist areas like Burlington. Just kidding but honestly Vermont doesn't seem too bad in terms of racism. But again 90% of the state is white so I'm not sure. NH has it a lot worse tho


philly1750 OP t1_ivld1y6 wrote

Reply to comment by _drjayphd_ in I-89 or I-91/93? by philly1750

I-81 is very scenic in general especially in Pennsylvania. Despite all the trucks, it still makes for a good drive, as it beats I-95 any day. I’ve never really had a problem with the truckers on 81, as I’m used to driving on ON-401 which is also full of 18 wheelers.

About 95, it’s full of tolls and traffic, and it’s a pretty boring drive. It’s only interesting because you get to pass through big cities but either than that it’s a waste.