
cpujockey t1_je6w00b wrote

And I will cite the prohibition which started my dad's family in Vermont due to our grand father being caught smuggling liquor from canada and being jailed state side.

I am not saying that laws wont help - but outright banning of firearms is going to piss off more people and cause a lot more problems than regulation. Most responsible gun owners (myself included) are for common sense regulation, psyche evals and all that shit. But outright banning firearms is a slippery slope that will reveal the same fallacies as alcohol prohibition: criminals will most definitely find a way.


cpujockey t1_je6m3kq wrote

> Do they just not want to acknowledge this is the current reality?

The current reality is no matter what laws are in place, there's always some asshole with a lathe and the ability to do their own machining to curtail laws against owning firearms. Additionally, criminals care not what the laws tell them, they'll pay top dollar for the things they want.

Also, I aint giving up my guns because of a bunch of assholes can't be bothered to be decent. I like hunting, I like gun culture, and I like having guns. There are many responsible gun owners out there and they heavily outweigh the terrible fucks that use guns to commit mass murders.


cpujockey t1_je5ccm8 wrote

> better than what the average person could make at home.

lies. at home you can choose your own beans, master the way of frothing your milk. You can make a much better product at home with even a cheap machine. Do not discount the DIY way. It's like bread, you can buy it in a store, or make it at home, guess which one tastes better and gives you more control over what goes in it..?


cpujockey t1_je1i09x wrote

> already made up their mind to be a Starbucks customer

brand loyalty is so strong that even when the dunkin sanitary conditions were figured out - people didn't care. "I NEED MY DUNKIES".

People rather be a meme than stand for anything. This is a fact. No matter if that place is unionized or not, the faithful will still spend their money.


cpujockey t1_jdv147j wrote

> Meanwhile right here in Vermont we have the local version that tries to make the talkers sound reasonable, cool and collected

you're having a hard time rationalizing that not all conservatives are ass holes / unintelligent.

Hell I am willing to go on the record and have a discussion with you.