
rivunel t1_jddk87q wrote

But they can only make you pay money from his estate. If you can show money from his estate went to other bills.

If you had past bills they owed you money for GET THE BILLS IN WRITING. If you have an old lease agreement anything like that make sure you have a record of the debt.


There is an order that debts have to be paid off in.

Any costs you incurred while carrying out the terms of the estate are the FIRST thing you pay off. I think You can make a case that the cost of your paid off debts is a cost of executing the will.

The second is the funeral and burial and along with any medical costs of the LAST illness of the decedent. If that was 2 years prior was that his LAST illness? If not you're honestly probably fine.

3rd is paying their employees.( seems asinine this is after medical expenses tbh)

4th is any other claims I ASSUME the hospital crap falls under there.


rivunel t1_jddc762 wrote

Don't pay it. They can't collect money from a dead man if he had no liquid assets at death its pretty hard for them to go after that money.

EDIT: to add to this unless your a spouse debts don't really transfer. It is the job of the estate to pay for it. Of he didn't have much in his estate the hospital gets jack shit.


rivunel t1_j0h7ap3 wrote

As a note to anyone who doesn't know this.

Local humane societies are amazing places and can always use your help and resources they will always do their best to properly use funds to save animals.

THE NATIONAL humane society of the United States is a trash organization that does everything they can to fight to make it illegal to have pets of any kind.

Never donate to HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES. Always donate to local shelters


rivunel t1_izac0pu wrote

I was the assistant director and worked at the homeless shelter/ thrift store in rutland for 20 years regularly talked to all of the individuals that ran the local 501c3 thrift busniesses. 0 speculation I literally got to tell the goodwill manager we didn't want their trash donated to us. They received too many donations so they brought their literal trash the stuff they couldn't sell to try and donate it to us.


rivunel t1_iz9udm2 wrote

There are 3 other thrift stores in brattleboro? The goodwill moving to rutland severely reduced the business going to the local homeless shelter/ thrift store. And shut the salvation army store in rutland down within 2 months of moving in.


rivunel t1_ix12fqi wrote

I worked at a shelter in rutland for many years. The holiday Inn was disgusting the manager of the holiday Inn in rutland that came to speak with us was a pretty deplorable guy saying it was worth the cost of keeping them there at $74 dollars per person per night.

The state pays homeless shelters a MAXIMUM of 35.08 a night the last I knew generally it was closer to $5

The hotel program basically gave hotel owners money hand over fist like every other program put in place in the past 3-4 years they're are put in place to line the pockets of the already wealthy.