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PeekabooJake t1_j6kgte6 wrote

I always make my character look like my wife so I can experience her kicking ass in different universes. Plus I can stare at its butt and not feel weird about it cause it’s my wife 😂


Ferrea_Lux t1_j6ki404 wrote

That's true, although I'd be afraid of my sub-par slider skills and telling my wife that my ugly char is supposed to be her; not that yours is. :)


dmullaney t1_j6klii9 wrote

Or worse, you'll be accused of making the character prettier, skinnier or bustier because your not happy with the real thing. My characters I usually make as old and hairy as I can manage. Octogenarian Afro-Viking is my archetype


PeekabooJake t1_j6l55yq wrote

The more wrinkled the better! Or a fun game is to take each slider and crank it to 100% in opposite directions until you get an absolute abomination


pjsguazzin t1_j6n16qs wrote

My style right here. All sliders to 100% or 0%, nothing in between. Spoiled the twist in >!Fallout 4!< for me though lol


speckledpotatocunts t1_j6lthzf wrote

Lol I has a character I recreated across a couple of different games since the style fit. She was a tall pale ginger, my girlfriend at the time was short, chubby, and black. She accused me of having a type and got real mad lol


PontiniY t1_j6lq5d2 wrote

Isn't it kind of weird to prefer playing hotter versions of your wife, though?


tehsax t1_j6lrvkx wrote

That's assuming his wife isn't as hot as video game characters. You don't know though.


PontiniY t1_j6lsugt wrote

Or he makes less than ideal female avatars.


RealHornyFuta t1_j6kic7l wrote

I play both. It really depends on the game, like WoW where certain animations are wonky or like Mass Effect where FemShep is so much more badass (in my opinion).

Do what you want. If people insult you for it then it sounds like they care too much about the little things in life.


Ferrea_Lux t1_j6kijzj wrote

Ya I got insulted for it once in a mmo and my guild (who were in the party) ripped him to shreds XD


Fantasma_Solar t1_j6lxnf4 wrote

Renegade FemShep was the best evil playthrough of my life. She just sounds so "I'm done with everyone's shit", so fun.


Gigchip t1_j6kguy3 wrote

Never knew anyone cared, nor thought about it. My sister teases me, but she's just being as ass because she plays male and female character. I do both too, normally flip a coin to decide which sex to play.


Ferrea_Lux t1_j6khusg wrote

Fair enough, ugh if my sister teased me about it I'd probably just cave and play male toons with her.


danteheehaw t1_j6l8gva wrote

For me, casters and sword and board types are always female. Theives and brute types male.


Old-Passenger-9065 t1_j6kgogp wrote

I always play as a female character when I can in games as well. My wife asked me why and I told her if I'm going to be staring at an ass for 50+ hours might as well be a female one. She understood that logic. Now when I start a new game she helps me create the character so it looks like her as much as it can.


Creative_Rhubarb_817 t1_j6khq4l wrote

I've been hearing this explanation for 20+ years. I'm glad it works for you and your wife, but I can't be the only one who doesn't stare at my character's ass the whole time I play games, can I?


MyRedditUsername1101 t1_j6knp3c wrote

I mildly hate this reason. I'm not looking at the ass, but whatever I'm shooting at etc. and I'm sure it's the same for everyone else despite what they say.


Creative_Rhubarb_817 t1_j6kp0ad wrote

Agreed. It feels like it's just defensiveness. "If I play as a girl, it must be because I'm so masculine and heterosexual in real life!"

Not that I have anything against guys who play female characters. I've done it myself a few times. But I find this excuse kind of cringey. You don't need an excuse, just play the way you want to.


2itemcombo t1_j6kqlpr wrote

They are indirectly saying they are so fragile that looking at a guy's ass will make them gay.


Don_Bugen t1_j6l0ccf wrote

It’s not an excuse; it’s simply a way of saying “I want the character I’m looking at for 100+ hours of the game to be something that is visually appealing to me, rather than be some sort of representation of who I am.”

I can relate to this. Grizzled war veteran with a buzz cut and huge muscles doesn’t look like me, no matter if I give it blond hair and a beard. Some of my favorite games have female protagonists (FFVI, BG&E, Metroid) so if you give me male or female Commander Shepherd, FemShep wins out.


Creative_Rhubarb_817 t1_j6l64i6 wrote

I consider that completely valid. But I think you just showed that it's possible to say that without needlessly sexualizing and objectifying your character by focusing on their ass.


Don_Bugen t1_j6lhdan wrote

Of course. Typically, the people who use this explanation use it as a defense because others are implying that playing as a woman means they’re identifying as a woman, and this is meant as an easily-understood assertion of one’s own gender and sexual orientation. The statement itself is intended to make the accuser back off.

I don’t think that a quip is out of line for asserting one’s sexuality or gender when others are trying to put the wrong label on it. After all, like it’s been previously stated, no one’s seriously ogling that ass for the full game. Least, no one older than fifteen.

I don’t see bands of macho Alpha males all choosing the female option and wolf whistling each other; just a bunch of regular guys defending why they made a simple choice, against both the Alpha Macho Men who see them as “less than,” and the few LGBTQ+ members who like to make fun of the straights and mock them for being “insecure”.


Creative_Rhubarb_817 t1_j6lx2d1 wrote

Well, it sounds like we're largely in agreement about the term and why it's used. I certainly didn't mean to sound like I was advocating for people to be seen as lesser.

I just find it a little ironic that people defend the decision they're embarrassed about with an explanation that I personally would find more embarrassing. Like, if someone was embarrassed about their interest in anime and they said, "I swear, I just watch it to ogle at the waifus!" That, to me, would be more embarrassing than watching it for the stories and characters, not less.

I'm all for anyone to play games the way they want, even people who actually want stare at their character's ass. But I'm still amused at the fact that people try to stave off embarrassment by leaning on an explanation that, when thought through, is more embarrassing than the majority of alternatives that come to mind.


Don_Bugen t1_j6n4r36 wrote

... I'm not sure you and I are on the same page as all. After all, this isn't "I swear, I only do this to ogle the waifus," this is " If I'm going to be watching a character animation, I want it to be attractive" with a side order of "Stop questioning my sexuality, asshole."

Theres nothing inherently embarrassing about being attracted to women. You're projecting your own emotion on the hypothetical person. That's fine if YOU feel it's more embarrassing, but by and large I think most people would just feel far more embarrassed to have someone attack their sexuality or gender.

For example: if I noticed that my trans male friend had a female avatar in most of the online games we played, and I said something to him in public like "Uh huh, what does this REALLY say about you?" I'd be DAMN LUCKY if he responded saying something like "It says I like staring at a nice ass" and left it alone.

It's fine to feel like people are altogether uptight and need to chill about this stuff, but you can't treat one person in a way that you'd never dream of treating anyone else, just because his sexuality and gender match a "Cis Male Gamer Stereotype." This isnt the 90s anymore, and you can't assume this comes from a place of toxicity or homophobia. Attacking someone's orientation or gender is something that no one likes.


Creative_Rhubarb_817 t1_j6or4wo wrote

I think you need to chill. No one's attacking straight men here. I am a male who's attracted to women. There's nothing wrong with that.

However, there are many things to enjoy about games other than your avatar's appearance. Story, gameplay, environments, and so on. And there are many things to enjoy about your avatar other than the gender of their ass. Customization, roleplaying, and self-expression for instance. Straight men are no less capable of appreciating these things than anyone else.

Someone who indicates, even with hyperbole, loudly and publicly that they ignore these things to focus on visual arousal is indicating themselves to be a shallow and vulgar person. This is true whether they're a straight male, and straight woman, or a queer person.

I just find it ironic that people prefer this to having their sexuality questioned. I also find it problematic that enjoying a game on a more sophisticated level than pornography could cause a male's sexuality to be questioned. So I push back against this narrative whenever I see it.


Don_Bugen t1_j6p865x wrote

I grew up in the 90s, bruh. Not a popular kid. And reading OP voice his fears on how he'd be perceived made me think back to it. "No one's attacking straight men here?" Dude, straight men attack each other for not looking straight enough, and everyone else attacks straight men if they seem too straight. Just like 2itemcombo below says "They are indirectly saying they are so fragile that looking at a guy's ass will make them gay."

This isn't a "Oh boo hoo you straight cis males you must have it so hard" but more of a "Come on, can't we be reasonable here" thing.

>Someone who indicates, even with hyperbole, loudly and publicly that they ignore these things to focus on visual arousal is indicating themselves to be a shallow and vulgar person. This is true whether they're a straight male, and straight woman, or a queer person.

And that's a fine opinion to have. I share the same opinion on loud, public, unprovoked declarations. As I said before, the only time I've heard this was when someone was confronted by another person who could not understand why a straight male was playing as a female (like Old-Passenger-9065, who started this) and was put into a position that they had to defend their sexuality.

If someone declares this loudly and publicly, without provocation, sure, that's a shallow and vulgar person. However, I will not judge someone who does so because another person is questioning them, because I don't know what is on the line for them, and as a non-macho dude I've been in that situation way too much. I have also known in my life heterosexual, homosexual, and pansexual people who have been in real danger or actually suffered real consequences because they didn't "present their sexuality" well enough. You run into all sorts as a foster parent in an urban area.

Old-Passenger-9065 is a good example of this - and I'm not saying a thing about him, personally, but the situation in general. A spouse looking over her husband's shoulder, seeing that he's always choosing to play as a woman, even in story and roleplay-heavy games... "Uh... why are you always playing as women, honey?" In many - not all, of course but many - relationships, that would immediately bring in tension. Is there something you haven't told me? Am I not enough? Maybe the spouse is mature enough either to understand the real, eloquently-stated explanation you gave about story, character, motivation... maybe they're not. Maybe this would put a strain on the relationship. It's hard to tell.


Creative_Rhubarb_817 t1_j6pc0en wrote

I did too, and I totally understand what you're referring to. That's exactly why I believe so strongly that men should express themselves honestly without hiding behind platitudes that only feed in to negative stereotypes. Nothing is going to get better unless we stand up for our right to be who we really are.

I am not without sympathy for the people who are in a situation where it's dangerous to express themselves. But it's all the more reason why we should push back against the culture that forces them to do so, not embrace it.

I'm not blaming Old-Passenger-9065. You'll notice that all I said to him was that I'm glad it works for him and his wife. How he plays his game and manages his relationship is his own business.

But the OP of the thread was asking for advice, and my advice to him would be not to do what Old-Passenger is doing, but to embrace his enjoyment of playing female characters without shame and fear. I would advise him not to enter into a romantic relationship with someone that he can't be himself around, even if that means staying single for longer than he otherwise would have.

I don't say this to judge or shame you, Don_Bugen, but I think you would really benefit from talking to someone and working through the issues you have in this area. I've been there. I think if you were able to step back and look at this thread objectively, you would see that we're basically on the same side of this issue.


[deleted] OP t1_j6knl1p wrote

I don't. I create female characters mainly in RPGs and it's mostly down to that there's more variety in character creation and outfits. I used to main a male Miqote in FFXIV and switched it to female because I noticed that the male outfits were basically the same basics. Female outfits can have a skirt, pants or bulky armour.


Ferrea_Lux t1_j6khcrb wrote

That's awesome. I mostly play female characters because I like the customization and general tone of the character. I'm just not that interested in male characters.


TheThirdStrike t1_j6knxdu wrote

This is the reason I always give. It makes sense to everyone I've explained it to.


MyRedditUsername1101 t1_j6koqkx wrote

As a guy, I always play male characters when given the choice. I feel more immersion playing as what I am irl. Playing a female would feel weird to me in a rpg, for example.

I don't really care what other people play as in their games.

The "I'd rather stare at a female ass for x hours than a males" reason always makes me roll my eyes though.


chronberries t1_j6khbah wrote

I play as both. Whichever kind of suits my mood at the time. Exclusively playing as the opposite gender does seem a bit weird to me though.


Ferrea_Lux t1_j6khjsz wrote

Ya, I've tried male characters, and I do make male knights in elden ring from time to time, I just prefer making female toons if I had to choose.


chronberries t1_j6kjktl wrote

Entirely fair. And I didn’t mean to come across in a negative way.

For me it’s usually whether I feel like relating to my character directly or would rather get immersed in the story entirely separate from myself. I can see how the former option doesn’t really apply to WoW though.

I also feel like the female voice actors have been crushing their male counterparts in recent games where you get the choice.


[deleted] OP t1_j6knt6z wrote

I grew up creating exclusively male characters to the point that a male knight just seems boring to me now. I've played a fuckton of games where I can be a male knight but outside of ones with character creation I don't think I've played a female one.


EidolonRook t1_j6kthwe wrote

20 years ago, yes.


10 years ago, maybe.


today, no one bats an eye.


Normal has become the new 'oddly out of place'...


unoriginalpackaging t1_j6kyjtq wrote

A friend of mine always play as a girl for years. I finally noticed and asked him and his response actually has me playing as a girl more often than not.

“Why would I want to stare at a dude’s ass all day?”


DanosGaming t1_j6kujc8 wrote

I'll play female characters in a lot of games solely because of slimmer character build. I hate the look of bulky armor.


Shadowkiller00 t1_j6kxxpp wrote

I tell my kids that I play video games in order to do things that I can't do in real life. Since I'm not a girl in real life and can't be a girl without some serious life changes which I am not interested in doing, being a girl in video games is pretty standard for me. I've rarely had women comment about it and when they have, I just explain my reasoning and that's the end of it.


SliceNSpice69 t1_j6kj3ku wrote

Some do, some don’t. Who cares.


19captain91 t1_j6kjerf wrote

In third person games, I prefer female characters because you see the character model and female models tend to have far more customization options. Plus, your character tends to be hot, so that’s a plus.

In first person games, I tend to choose a male character to imagine myself as the character and to have a voice that sounds closer to mine, especially since customization doesn’t matter much at all.

Play who you want to play; who cares what anyone else thinks?


Gullible-Bug1107 t1_j6km1rr wrote

nothing wrong with that, many of my male friends play girls too, it actually makes me feel better bc sometimes people harass girl players so when my friends are also playing girls then I’m not singled out. 😅


speckledpotatocunts t1_j6ltlab wrote

Funny enough I played a female character in several mmo's, not one man has ever tried sexually harassing me


Gullible-Bug1107 t1_j6lupkg wrote

Good for you! It can depend on what games you play. I can’t speak on mic without getting harassed almost every time unless I play with friends 🤷🏻‍♀️


UnluckyBot47 t1_j6kpdx5 wrote

I’m a guy and I only play as female characters too. It’s a lot more fun to have a sexy bad bitch mess shit up anyways.


ottertaco t1_j6kvo4y wrote

If you aren't hurting anyone, who cares what you do. Don't ever stop doing something you want to do just because people think it's weird.


body_slam_poet t1_j6kx5bb wrote

I'm a guy and I think it's weird


marcus2322 t1_j6l1to6 wrote

I second that specially given the world we live in today where men think they are women I jus find men playing as women beyond odd !


RockwellB1 t1_j6kilg4 wrote

I'm the same way. Customization is almost always better and the males feel weird to me usually. Mass Effect I did play as male Shepard though.


Ferrea_Lux t1_j6kiu1z wrote

Oh nice, I didn't play ME but I did play fem V in Cyberpunk. I haven't touched male V in that game, I should probably give it a try.


RockwellB1 t1_j6kk5fv wrote

I made my nomad male, but I've not really gotten to play him much. Keep having too much fun with my cocky corpo.


Zeal391 t1_j6kkkc9 wrote

Literally played a female blood elf in wow and was asked if I was gay.

I seriously just like how the armor looks on the female blood elf over male lol…


headless_boi t1_j6klf53 wrote

Personally I don't care/mind. I've been in situations where a guy I happen to be playing with would have a female character but I never gave it much thought as it really doesn't seem like a significant thing in any way. It's fine to play as whatever character you feel comfy/happy playing with.

Also despite being a girl, I also tend to choose male characters to play as whenever it's possible so it would be quite silly and hypocritical of me to have an issue when it's the other way around :)


ProfCedar t1_j6kmst1 wrote

My take on this, as it has been for years, is if they ever bother to give dude character creation the level of detail and choice they do for female character creation, I might actually play a male character. I tried to make one in Violet and it just sucked! My wife and I both play female characters on our MMO of choice and it's no big deal at all.


OverburdenedSyntax t1_j6knyiu wrote

It's not weird at all. Play whatever you have the most fun playing.


Viper-Queen t1_j6kp9k3 wrote

Nope. You play who you want.


TheEagleMan2001 t1_j6kplld wrote

I play a female in any game with character creation because I find it easier to make a satisfying female character instead of trying to make a male character but if it's a game where there's a premade male and female option I'll usually go male since it's more relatable for roleplay.


FallenShadeslayer t1_j6kv0e0 wrote

Honestly, I used to. When I was younger. Then I grew up and realized it doesn’t matter. If I can have super powers in a video game and save the world and do all that crazy shit, why can’t someone play as the opposite sex? I’ve even done it myself a few times. Sunset Overdrive, Skyrim and Diablo 3 are the ones that come to mind. It allows me to play differently than I normally would have.

Except in Skyrim. Doesn’t matter what I try, sneaky archer is life.


DarthDregan t1_j6kw0gv wrote

Haven't experienced that one, ever.


Berserkware t1_j6kzcpr wrote

idc, but in fallout 4 there actually is a benefit in choosing the female character.


mistercloob t1_j6l06pb wrote

I doubt women give any thought whatsoever to the video game character you play as.


overmyheadepicthrow t1_j6l18cy wrote

I'm a woman, don't find it weird at all. I played as dudes for years. Now I only want to play women.

Who cares what other people think. Do what you want as long as you not hurting anyone


cat-tastrophe t1_j6layqz wrote

I have a hard time playing a girl character. Like if I have to because the class had a predetermined gender, like the sorceress in D2R, it doesn't bother me as much but like I don't think I could get behind a girl pokémon trainer as my character as it is I want to age them, or like not going to be a girl monster hunter or tarnished. I like to make and play characters that look like me, well a version I can make in game.

Play what makes it fun. I find more enjoyment if I can immerse myself in the game.


SadLaser t1_j6ld3vx wrote

I don't see why we would care if a guy plays a female character. I play male characters sometimes. Honestly, I think the only part that's a little confusing to me is that you never play male characters. What if you're playing a game that doesn't let you create your character and the character choices are only male characters? Would you just not play the game? Or what it has a mix but the female characters aren't very fun to you? Would you force yourself to play the female characters anyway?

I do have a friend who won't play any male characters and she loved the Tomb Raider games and always wanted to play Uncharted but refused to because the main character is male so some people are just like that.


Beans_McGee23 t1_j6lj0by wrote

Nah. It’s the same concept as women choosing to play male characters. Sometimes ya just think the opposite gender character is cooler, or you need to change it up


ASemiAquaticBird t1_j6lmvpg wrote

I've played a lot of female character models in games like Guild Wars 1 and WoW because of the slimmer model and animations.That said I've also played many of male characters.

I did think it was weird, until like 5 years ago, for men to play female characters it they were actively role-playing as a female character. But I started following some role-playing content on Twitch and have become entirely accepting of people role-playing characters of the opposite gender.

I still think people who men who play female characters and try to catfish other men with ERP is weird as fuck though.


ophel1a_ t1_j6loaxu wrote

The first time I saw my boyfriend play a lady, I was a bit surprised. Then I saw him moving the camera around in questionable ways and it all made sense. xD

I was 16. With another 16 years under my belt, nope, not weird in the least.

My ex-husband also played female chars "because they're a smaller target", so. Whether it's borderline creepy or tactical, you do you broh.


CutestCatfish t1_j6nqly4 wrote

I think the only time people get bothered by someone playing as the opposite gender (and, in particular, men playing female characters) is when it's being used to prey on others in some way. Playing a female to pretend to be one to get free stuff from others, get closer to IRL women for nefarious purposes, that kind of thing. But some of these things occur even without the character-gender factor. And ultimately, I am of the opinion that in an MMO it is no one's business what gender you are on the other side of the screen. If a situation arose where it mattered--sure be honest. I just can't think of too many scenarios where that would be the case? But that's just my opinion. I think too many men get maligned for playing a female character when there's really no negative reason behind the choice.


Minter_moon t1_j6o3ycx wrote

I've created male characters so I don't see how it's much different. It's kind of funny though because I usually make female characters, and people still assume I'm a dude. I try to avoid voice chatting and stay anonymous because I don't want to deal with potential assholes.


Kevin69138 t1_j6ki38y wrote

I do this and have done it.

It turns out in FPS girl characters have smaller hitboxes most of the time. Its bullshit but I will exploit it


Ferrea_Lux t1_j6ki6rk wrote

Oh I make my friends so mad it R6 customs when I play ash.


LocalAfter4312 t1_j6ki85x wrote

I would say if they care that much about what your pretendy-fun-times fictional character has between their fictional legs, that's a red flag of someone who takes things FAAAR too seriously. Run.


Ferrea_Lux t1_j6kins0 wrote

Ya, I don't have any friends who do that. Probably for a reason I suppose XD


Liberkhaos t1_j6kmul2 wrote

I am a man and if I have the choice to play as a man or a woman in a game I will always choose a woman. Why? Cause I like women better. That's as far as this goes and I never gave it more thoughts than that. It's your character and you do what you want with it. Most people won't care and the few idiots who are going to lose some sleep over it deserve a bad night's rest. Do yourself, don't mind them.


Lycantail t1_j6kr3u9 wrote

Do you feel weird when a girl plays a male character?


Ferrea_Lux t1_j6kudwq wrote

I apologize if this gets lost in the replies, but I really appreciate all the replies with both support and advice. I feel less "afraid" about playing female characters with my sister and her friends/randoms. Thanks you so much, from any gender :D


fatallfairy t1_j6l3pr3 wrote

in games w premade characters: no. in games like WoW where ur entire character is custom: yes. but tbh who cares what others think as long as ur having fun !!


SecretlyaPolarBear t1_j6l7txv wrote

I do that too. I like when my character is a little psychopath running around being evil for kicks. I hear most people play as a superman type - big, strong, and helpful; but for me that’s how I am irl, so it’s not an escape. Besides, you’re watching the character for hours and I prefer looking at women


Specialist-Agent-695 t1_j6l80xs wrote

As a girl, when I started playing I assumed all girls were girls IRL. Over the years I’ve realized more guys than not prefer to play as female toons actually. It makes no difference to me personally. In my wow guild I would say there maybe 3 girls out of 20 of us but probably 75% of the toons are female. At the end of the day, it doesn’t affect any one but you so eff them if they care.

But you could always just ask your sister if she cares. Chances are she doesn’t :)


Financial-Ad2187 t1_j6laye6 wrote

I actually got a lot insults for playing females in games (from both genders). It actually upset me back then because I was the only one who had to deal with it. So I've always been stuck playing males for years. I think it's affected me to the point of seeing women as "superior" and I feel like I'm not good enough to play them?. I don't know if I should try and play them now because honestly I am afraid the reaction I'll get.


Younger54 t1_j6ldfd9 wrote

Not really. People do different things for different reasons. I know people who make up elaborate backstories for their characters, and go through the game as if they are being told a story ABOUT those characters. Me personally, I go the self insert route, so I have a really hard time playing female characters. I like to imagine I AM the character. I also do that with books, so its hard to read a book if the MC isn't male for me there too. It doesn't bother me at all to have female leads in movies or TV shows, but books and games can be difficult if the MC is female.


Salmagros t1_j6lfq04 wrote

Still remember how I played as a female character and pretended to be a girl to scam Item like it was yesterday.

Oh wait. It is yesterday!


Dreaming_Kitsune t1_j6lfr55 wrote

It's kinda like the male version of dolls we like to dress up our female characters and make them look cute. I always play a female khajiit in elder scrolls and tend to play female characters in most other games because their clothing options tend to be far better in most games than the male clothing options.


Grogu918 t1_j6lp9j5 wrote

I do this too. Idc how weird I sound saying this but I’d rather look at a female character and hear her voice over looking at a male character and hearing a man’s voice the entire game.


PontiniY t1_j6lqcne wrote

Honestly, the way you describe it is a bit creepy.


SoFool t1_j6lqjgu wrote

It's not weird, I tend to play female characters too coz they are usually hot and nice to look at with the clothing customization lol


Sentsuizan t1_j6lrzwh wrote

I guarantee you they don't care


Aldrakev t1_j6lsrpq wrote

for me it depends on roll play. im a guy so normally i lean towards male characters but for games like swtor it feels wrong playing a jedi healer or a sith sorc as a male so i almost always play those females. but as far as weirdness. i dont think its weird and i have friends that do the same thing.


GamerGirl_JaeMaraj t1_j6lsu66 wrote

As a woman and a gamer, I don’t find it odd or weird. It’s a game, the point is to have fun while playing. You don’t have to mimic real life. Playing as a male or female shouldn’t have anything to do with one’s sexuality. Everyone is different and has different gaming preferences. Just do what you enjoy regardless of how others feel.


speckledpotatocunts t1_j6ltbos wrote

Why would it be weird? It's a role playing game, your character is playing a role. Now elden ring is a weird game to roleplay as a dishwasher in but - just kidding!!

But seriously yeah I've made male and female characters depending on the mood. I think it's weirder to try snd create a clone of yourself personally. I try to create a character I feel would fit into the existing lore of the game


Drukqsz t1_j6lwpzi wrote

I find it odd that you "exclusively" play as a female character yes. I mix it up and pick male or female depending on my mood and the style of the game. But the fact you seem to always pick that option is a bit awkward, yes. Lol


MaleficentPi t1_j6lxbf6 wrote

... I don't think women give much of a shit what your character looks like in a game.

I played an undead female warlock in WoW whose jaw was missing.

If a woman looked at that and thought to herself, "perv, why is MaleficentPi playing a female warlock, must be some kind of super gross dude with a thing for female characters" I'd have questions about why she's assuming a man she never met would find a rotting female corpse with no lower jaw sexy AF.

Night elf, sure. Orc, maybe. Troll, okay.. Dwarf, sure.

But an undead warlock?

Methinks the lady doth project too much


PolyZex t1_j6lxwa0 wrote

Why would they?

There's a lot of reasons someone might want to play a female character. In Fallout 4 and 2077 because the female voice actor is hands down better. Sometimes the gear is cooler looking. Maybe you just want to. Even if you usually play as a male maybe it's your second playthrough and you want to try both protagonists.

Consequently, I feel like if you're playing as a female on an online game and the character creator sliders are generous so you make them fat assed and physic based enormous breasts and then run around being a stereotype you're likely NOT going to be popular among female gamers.


ShawVAuto t1_j6m2df0 wrote

I remember playing Halo 3 online and noticing that dudes would rush to kill gamers who were female. So I changed my characters gender to female. It worked like a charm. I would EASILY get the most kills every round because they'd literally just rush towards me... lol. Ever since then, I play all games that I can, exclusively as a female character. Also too, female characters normally have more customizing options than male characters. *In Halo 3, if you selected female. Your death voice sound sounded feminine so that's how players knew*


Shoshke t1_j6m4fzm wrote

>My reasons aside

I'm gonna look at polygons in the shape of a human butt, might as well be one I enjoy looking at


Beautiful-Papaya9923 t1_j6m5x1p wrote

I play female players on some FPS games for smaller silhouette. On MMORPS I have a few female characters but all my characters have some kind of backstory and as a writer I think making only one type of character for stories is wierd if the story doesn't demand it


MirzEagle t1_j6m7891 wrote

As a woman I played as men before, but not because I wanna see a man's body in front of me, just because I was a closeted lesbian.

But if you play as a woman just so you can see a womans butt in front of you instead of a man it's kinda just ...weird ?

But if you play as a woman because the women character feel more developed or badass or different (FemShep from Mass effect is my first example) then it's totally fine who cares.

I mean I can't judge we obviously don't know why you play as a woman so no judgment there so far. I don't care what you do as long as its not fueled by some sexualisation for your character. Have fun bro


Yunic_reddit t1_j6mbena wrote

For me, it depends on the game.

In World of Warcraft where I don't have any bond with the world and just push keys and do raids I play a mix of genders, it all depends on what race/gender has nicer animations like I hate female undead animations so I play male undead, on the other side, I hate male trolls animations (especially as a caster) so I play female troll.

In FFXIV I can play only male characters, there is a huge bond with the story and characters, I play as "me" for the immerse. I tried to play as a female character in FFXIV, I cringed out and bought Phantasia instantly and switched to male.

So just two examples, but I apply that to everything - it all depends on the game, if I do care about immerse, storyline, and characters, or do I just play it whatever.


SilentResident1037 t1_j6kuusb wrote

Girls almost always have more AND better customization options (ESPECIALLY hair...) and better looking suits

And they usually have better voice actors too (Hale anyone?)


Shittybuttholeman69 t1_j6klro2 wrote

What’s wrong with staring at a lady’s ass for 40 hours instead of a dudes


feelin_fine_ t1_j6l39tl wrote

I have a male friend who absolutely will not play as a female character in a game. If a female is the only option, he won't play it. But I'm fairly certain he's also closet bisexual because he says and does some blatantly gay stuff when drunk.

Some may find it weird, I think most wouldn't really care either way though. It's rarely ever a concern what gender my team mates are, it doesn't matter.

Just say you like looking at girl butts over guy butts, it's a hard point to argue 🤷‍♂️


EducatorEducational7 t1_j6lpiy0 wrote

I think it's sus. I'm not a girl tho. Girls probably don't care. I hate when I have to be a female in a game. Sometimes it makes or breaks my decision to buy a game. For example, the most recent Tomb Raider games were great, but I hated playing as a woman. Same with the Horizon games. I would have enjoyed them more if I got to play as a male. But I guess you're the opposite. There's nothing wrong with it, I just dont personally understand it.


Minter_moon t1_j6o4ywd wrote

But women play as male characters all the time considering most protagonists in games are male. It doesn't bother me. Why does it bother you to play as a female character?