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Fenwick19 t1_jd194ib wrote

Snagged a tub of the Baklava ice cream from the Puritan recently and it was life changing


Star_Harvester t1_jd1a2xy wrote

Golden rod will always have a special place in my heart. I'd also shout out the Ben & Jerries store on Elm for their non-dairy flavors (really great if you're lactose intolerant or just not in the mood to pretend you aren't).


Calligraphee t1_jd2b47b wrote

Blake's is my personal fave! Their graham cracker ice cream is totally unique, and their peppermint is possibly the best peppermint ice cream I've ever had.


RustyStiltzkin999 t1_jd2cg2f wrote

I’ve been going to Mojo’s with the kids. Cheaper, same ice cream as goldenrods, better parking and way less bees


tureus t1_jd3w1dg wrote

Gotta drive over to Moo's


GhostHost1000 t1_jdi75sb wrote

As someone pretty new to town who still hasn't has a summer here yet, this is very useful information!