
underwear11 t1_jd7ha0j wrote

I will say, it totally depends on the mood of the ranger. Me and some friends went camping, got 2 sites off-peak and our ranger just decided to be a grump. I don't know if he was bored or just on a power trip. We hadn't even been there 3 hours before he came around and was counting people.


underwear11 t1_jbxl7hx wrote

Pay is a huge one, but also the lack of additional supports for special needs has made teaching terrible. I know several teachers that quit because they struggled with dealing with difficult kids in the classroom that could have been dealt with by having aids or additional options to support those students. Instead, they just put them in the class and expect the teacher to have the normal classwork, plus modified classwork to address special needs, and be able to provide everyone the amount of support they need. Add in frustrated parents and politics and the pay becomes 5x too little.


underwear11 t1_ixau1dl wrote

Good job OP going to the QAO. I was tricked like this by a dealer I was in the middle of a dispute with about another car. They started my gas cap was leaking and failed emissions. I was kind of stuck and couldn't go without a car so I just accepted it. Really regret that even though it didn't really cost me that much. They were just thieves.