
mommadragon72 t1_ixnxq46 wrote

We have family that is local. We don't spend holidays with them bc it's not ok. They are hateful to my LGBT kids ( actually offered to pay for conversion therapy in fact). We don't see them, not ok for our mental health plus you don't get to be ugly to my kids ( yes I am a momma bear). Family is who you make it. We collect " family" that had no blood relation to us and those folks are welcome at our feast


mommadragon72 t1_iuj013v wrote

We have moved multiple times. I always ask at least three different neighbors and average that. We have lived in areas where ten big bags was barely enough and where a single bag had leftovers. This year we did small toys plus candy. Got around 100 last year. Hope to see that many again!


mommadragon72 t1_iuaihc5 wrote

Set boundaries, and verbalize them. I know things have been hard for you lately, and I know you need to vent but I need to limit there amount of time I listen. Then give them 10 minutes to vent. Or change the dynamic, I hear you are struggling right now, what can I actually do to help? Do you need a safe place to vent or help with solutions? I can hold space for you but I need to keep myself healthy


mommadragon72 t1_ittbqxz wrote

Best bet for kiddos with really major life threatening allergies is too keep it away from the candy. Till you live with someone who can die ( or even just react with hives or horrible stomach issues) it seems crazy but after you've lived it it's totally reasonable. ...... People don't think of things like cross contamination from wrappers very often bc for most of us it would never be an issue...... The other issue with things like nut allergies is the more times you use an epi pen the higher the chance one won't work. The last time we used my epi pen we hit me with it, called 911, used a second epi pen bc the first wasn't working and the medics have me more in the ambulance. Scccaaarrrryyy!!!


mommadragon72 t1_itt6vod wrote

I have give away facts I'm willing to share at work. I share things that I don't really care about but people feel like they know me better. Examples are things like I baked cookies this weekend, we went to the balloon festival, I'm loving the cooler weather so the dog and I can walk after work. None of those things really tell you much about me other then I like to bake, I do things with other people and I have a dog. Those are things I'm fine with co workers knowing. If they pry for more info I change the subject and ask about them. Most folks love to talk about themselves and don't have great boundaries. Ask about pets, children, favorite restaurants. Give a tiny bit to lend credence to your question like I love trying new restaurants, which local restaurant is your favorite? Let them talk for a few and then politely state gotta finish up this report and walk off. Now you are friendly but a hard worker and if they think they know a bit about you they will leave you alone.


mommadragon72 t1_iths7k2 wrote

One of my fav meals growing up was pasta with toast. Make the pasta, add a bit of oil and garlic salt. Butter( or otherwise oil) the toast them cut it into small bits and fry them up with a touch more garlic salt. Top each bowl of pasta with toast bits. I know it's not super healthy but it's comfort food and cheap