
UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_jd0s7qy wrote

Reply to comment by uglybushes in Recycling by iloveallkittykat

Go ahead and feel free to cite a source that says a few mL of water are what makes or breaks the economics of recycling.

There's no world in which people aren't washing their dishes. Even if we cut down on other forms of consumption, our reusable containers need to be washed.


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_jcw39ty wrote

Plastic recycling is nowhere near as effective as recycling other materials (especially paper and aluminum). If you are able, it’s better to avoid them altogether.

Usually I save up #4/LDPE bags and bring it to the grocery store drop off at Giant Eagle. That’s also what recyclethispgh says, which may have the answers to your other questions.


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_jcqzx9i wrote

I'm admittedly pretty ignorant to what the state has done as a matter of policy against either invasive species (other than that I'm vaguely aware that firewood is not supposed to be transported between parks and such).

How much is being driven by government action, vs word-of-mouth? I don't imagine most people would see EAB on a daily basis - unless you're closely inspecting trees, would we be living ignorant to the infestation around us? Meanwhile with the lanternflies, there are so many that it feels like you're experiencing a biblical plague, it makes sense that everyone is stomping them and talking about stomping them.


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_jchvbb3 wrote

> I drive, bike, and walk. Everyone sucks.

Amen to this. Every group feels the need to claim a moral high ground to justify why they should be entitled to special treatment.

We should all be prioritizing "is it safe" and "is it reasonable" as higher priorities than "does it inconvenience me" or even "is it legal" (at least when passing judgement on others).


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_jaanj71 wrote

I'll go out on a limb and say that big parts of the reason tow companies can operate the way that they do is that they have the budgets to lobby politicians and retain better lawyers than most of the people they're towing. Not to presume too much about OP's situation, but I doubt they're willing to pay enough in legal fees to fight off Spin's corporate lawyers over a minor inconvenience getting out of the driveway.


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_ja2zjr2 wrote

Reply to comment by glenn_q in ATT Sportsnet Bankruptcy? by randoyinzer

I would love to see the RSNs collapse so we can finally get a proper streaming solution without blackouts. If it was only our local RSN, maybe it would be too much to ask. But I see the article mentions that Bally Sports is also considering bankruptcy.

Put it all on ESPN+ or NHLTV with no blackouts and I'll drop my Fubo subscription and subscribe to the new service in a heartbeat.


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_j9ytwr1 wrote

Yep. In the last thirty years, we have had one year of Democrat unified government (1993), compared to eleven years of Republican unified government (1995-2002, 2011-2013).

The governor's seat is a tossup but the general assembly (particularly the Senate) has been quite safe for Republicans.


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_j6admcb wrote

Reply to comment by zeebee123456 in Swissvale/braddock ave by brows19

It sounds like they're looking for someone specific here, but man it's gotta suck to be profiled just for running in a public park... It's 50 degrees out in January, everyone who enjoys walking/running/biking was out taking advantage of the weather today.


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_j68vyao wrote

> Shapiro clarified that... that commonwealth employees should feel comfortable “getting a cup of coffee” with their constituents.

Zero-tolerance policies don't work anywhere else*, so why would we expect them to work here? If the policy is really so strict that accepting a $1 bottle of water is against the rules, I would certainly bet that many employees were looking the other way. That leads to a culture where "everyone is doing it" and nothing gets reported because everyone has broken the rule at one point or another. I would expect it to be more effective to carve out reasonable limits with strict reporting requirements. That way, we have some visibility into who's buying Harrisburg's lunches, while having a line in the sand where people might actually be willing to blow the whistle if they see someone go over the limit or not reporting.

  • (yes, I edited out the part of Shapiro's quote where he says 'zero tolerance', because clearly there is up to $36 worth of tolerance)

UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_j68ti30 wrote

I thought the corruption pipeline was "supposed" to go the other way - leaving a high-profile regulator's position to immediately lobby for the industry you used to regulate. Is the stint in the government job seen as a workaround to obtain a promotion, or something?


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_j5thojf wrote

Reply to comment by ballsonthewall in Accuweather my ass! by [deleted]

I preach the virtues of weather.gov to anyone who will listen. All weather, no bullshit. No obnoxious "reality" content, no garbage ads, no clickbait, no auto playing video... It's a more pleasant experience than certain other weather sites even with ad blockers enabled.


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_j5rbnnh wrote

They’re just using existing capacity that was built decades ago. It’s a zero-sum move, where the data center can virtue signal how “green” they are while forcing thousands of homes, factories, and businesses off nuclear and back onto coal or natural gas.

If they were building new capacity I’d give them some credit, but this is just greenwashing and isn’t doing anything to help the environment.


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_j4xaz03 wrote

It's so straightforward that local tax should just be a part of PA-40 income tax return.

Essential government services (especially not those services with access to citizens' most private financial data and the greatest ability to make citizens' lives hell) should not just be outsourced to the lowest bidder.


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_j3t9ds6 wrote

Almost certainly a scam. Duquesne Light keeps their own records of what they're billing you. Even on the (extremely unlikely) chance that it was not a scam, there's no good reason for them to be going door to door harassing customers instead of checking their own billing records.