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mynamemightbealan t1_j5ne45i wrote

How? It sounds like a person trying to find a new hangout with people whom they feel like they share something in common


PierogiPowered t1_j5onwrn wrote

Look at the other replies. They're all stereotyping that blue collar people only go (can only afford?) to dive bars and greasy spoons.


Wide-Concert-7820 t1_j5pdg8g wrote

Just curious... Have you been to any of the establishments mentioned here?


PierogiPowered t1_j5rfp14 wrote

Yeah. I’ve been to a bunch of city of Pittsburgh dive bars. I wouldn’t classify any of them as blue collar.

As op clarified, unpretentious is a much better description.


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_j5qpl67 wrote

To me, it reads a like an outsider who wants to surround themselves with blue collar folk for the "authentic Pittsburgh experience," but maybe I'm just cynical.