
The_Frostweaver t1_jal9gq9 wrote

The Andromeda galaxy is faint because of it's distance but it takes up more space in the sky than the moon, it doesn't just look like a star.

Because we are within our own galaxy we see it edge wise, basically a thick line of faint stars (due to distance).

Almost all the stars visible to the naked eye are within 1000 light years of earth. Our own galaxy is 100,000 light years across and Andromeda is bigger but it's ~2.5 million light years away.


The_Frostweaver t1_jaeided wrote

USA has 1.5 million truck driving jobs, 3 million cashier jobs, 1.5 million book keeping jobs, 2 million administrative assistants, etc.

If you consider AI taking half of those jobs over the next 50 years or something which seems almost inevitable its pretty clear AI is lined up to cause a pretty big shift in employment. It's really just a question of how quickly.


The_Frostweaver t1_j5s6hhw wrote

A lot of people are born, live their entire life, and die without ever going more than a few miles from where they started.

Travel is a luxury and you will see beautiful landscapes and meet wonderful explorers from all over the world on your trip.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience with Japanese but try not to generalize, most Japanese are very polite.

If you go with an open mind and try to be thankful for the experience you will have a great time!


The_Frostweaver t1_j599r3r wrote

Ok, strictly focusing on earth, how do you suggest we advance the field of physics?

There is stuff going on out there we can't hope to replicate on earth, the forces are just too great. Consider the universe a free laboratory experiment, we only need to invest in the bare minimum of equipment to observe what's happening.


The_Frostweaver t1_j4k08gu wrote

Historically certain groups have been underrepresented so they are trying to fix that issue. It would probably be less awkward if they just created new intellectual property but Hollywood can't seem to risk money on something new when they have old IP sitting around.

As long as the stories and actors are good I don't really care.


The_Frostweaver t1_j27n286 wrote

This is the sort of thinking I think people struggle with. Our brain is subject to physical limitations and those are not going to change. AI on the other hand can be the size of a house with distant power supplies proving endless watts of energy that our human minds cannot compete with.

Yes, right now our brains take advantage of quantum mechanics in ways computers can't but it's only a matter of time before we invent better computers.

It seems inevitable that we will eventually replace ourselves with AI.


The_Frostweaver t1_j27me3n wrote

If one of them is closer to the center than the other the one deeper in could theoretically see light from the person who entered later but keep in mind light is spiraling down wards in a way that would likely create extreme distortion and if the black hole has any sort of disk that disk is likely producing enough light to overwhelm the few photons coming from the person falling in.

I imagine you would be looking for a dark spec a single pixel wide obscenely stretched against a background illuminated like a sun (the disk of stuff just outside the event horizon).