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pinpalsapu t1_j22vbb0 wrote

Probably should add that he went from the underwater base to the summit. Ancient Hawaiians have climbed it for centuries.


TTVmeatce t1_j234f1z wrote

you're saying he swam up from 6000m below sea level?


The_Frostweaver t1_j22uwz1 wrote

I was wondering how the fuck he climbed thousands of feet while underwater, he didn't, he used a submarine.


dishonestdick t1_j22vdxi wrote

At that point they could have used an helicopter from sea level to the top.


101forgotmypassword t1_j22vhnn wrote

So if one was to take a helicopter to the top of a peak then they would have also acended it?

If he isn't going to spend years progressively saturation diving to the bottom to allow saturation bottom walking/ diving to the top then does he really deserve the title of accending?/s


Sdog1981 t1_j2452hm wrote

Don't need to use a helicopter, they have a road and parking lot at the peak.


iwriteritesright t1_j27jtiw wrote

If you read the article, he actually did start from the base of the mountain underwater.


feetandballs t1_j28y4wh wrote

If you read the article you’ll see that he didn’t climb that part - he used a sub


Inspector_Crazy t1_j22wgrq wrote

So, let's raise sea level by 5m. Everest, K2, Fuji, Kilamanjaro, etc all lose 5m of height. Maunakea doesn't. Are we measuring with the right yardstick here?


SeattlePassedTheBall t1_j22wn5y wrote

Not exactly, this yardstick is ignoring sea level outright and just measuring from the base of the mountain to the summit. Everest isn't even the tallest fully above sea level as it starts on a really high plateau, Denali is.


Inspector_Crazy t1_j22wvfu wrote

So why isn't the entire Tibetan Plateau counted as part of this? And for that matter the entire indian subcontinent? Still feels a bit arbitrary.


SeattlePassedTheBall t1_j22xfc8 wrote

It certainly is a bit arbitrary and I'm not sure exactly what classifies as the mountain and what doesn't. Everest extends the furthest above sea level but the Tibetan Plateau is 17k feet above sea level so the mountain is "only" about 12k feet tall. Denali by the same logic is about 18,000.

You can take these shenanigans further too, Everest isn't the furthest from the center of the earth thanks to earth not being a perfect sphere (it is wider at the equator than the poles,) Chimborazo in Ecuador is.


AnAdvocatesDevil t1_j277tqh wrote

The geographic term is "Prominance" and is actually pretty interesting to look up, but basically measures a mountain by the height from the minimum elevation between it and the next highest (parent) peak. Everest is the 'Parent' of every other mountain on earth by this system.


ExtraSmooth t1_j24agch wrote

I thought it was kilimanjaro


SeattlePassedTheBall t1_j24d4le wrote

That's the tallest freestanding mountain, which just means it isn't part of a mountain range. I can't find a source that says it is taller than Denali from base to summit.


devilish_enchilada t1_j26w2ru wrote

Fuck yeah! I drove up to Denali like 5 times last summer. Easy drive for me!


Fantastic_Ad1613 OP t1_j22x3zx wrote

According to Guinness:

>If you're wondering why we’re not talking about Mount Everest, it comes down to size vs altitude. Soaring to 8,848.8 m (29,031 ft) above sea level (asl), Everest – aka Chomolungma or Sagarmāthā – is the world's highest mountain. (Incidentally, Vescovo has also climbed that, back in 2012, which makes him the first person to visit Earth’s highest and lowest points, but that's a whole other story.)

>The top of Mauna Kea falls far below the lofty zenith of its Himalayan rival, however it is more than a kilometre taller than Everest when comparing the two from base to pinnacle.

>But more than half of this dormant volcano lies unseen underwater. Indeed, of Mauna Kea’s c. 10,211 m (33,500 ft) total height, only 4,207 m (13,802 ft) is above the sea. This makes it half the height of the iconic "8,000ers" – the 14 mountains that stretch in excess of 8,000 m (26,247 ft) asl.


TheUmgawa t1_j2386pk wrote

Guinness also has records for things like Most Snails on a Face, so I'm pretty sure they'll give a qualifying award to pretty much anybody who pays their fee.

"Well, you're not the tallest above sea level, and you're not the tallest from base to pinnacle... unless... yes, we'll just count everything all the way to the bottom of the ocean! You are now the tallest. Congratulations. That will be four thousand dollars please."


mfb- t1_j23yro9 wrote

This particular record looks weird (why does a submarine count but a helicopter would not?), but Mauna Kea is frequently recognized as tallest mountain measured from its base (which is kilometers below the ocean surface).


snow_michael t1_j264fx5 wrote

Guiness Book of Records does not charge for entries


croninsiglos t1_j22uvx3 wrote

Meh, I measure my mountains from the center of the Earth.


ExtraSmooth t1_j24ap4e wrote

I believe the record in that case is in Venezuela


Sdog1981 t1_j244zge wrote

The key part here is the underwater part of the assent. Because the Maunakea Access Road will take you to a parking lot about 50 meters from the summit.


josetemprano t1_j2554xh wrote

They used a submarine to do the underwater part - so why should we count that?


Sdog1981 t1_j25c458 wrote

We shouldn't it was a publicity stunt.


Tballz9 t1_j269ug5 wrote

I drove up it in a rented jeep like the early 2000's, so the above sea level part is not all that impressive of a feat. I had a nice breakfast at my hotel on the beach, drove to the top, and was back at a bar on the beach for dinner.


SubstanceTemporary42 t1_j250pxq wrote

Did they start from the bottom though?


bloxerator t1_j25gwmp wrote

I think that's what they're getting at. Would explain the difficulty initially.


GSyncNew t1_j266r61 wrote

Huh? Did he start 19,000 ft underwater? 'Cause from sea level you can drive to the summit.


horsemagicians t1_j26myac wrote

They didn’t climb the underwater part at all. So the only part actually has been climbed a lot before this.