
Squire_II t1_ja8ctxj wrote

> Not so easy to brainwash adults though.

The QAnon movement, among others, shows otherwise. Just show things close to a person's belief and then keep ramping up as they go down the rabbit hole. Jordan Petersen has been a gateway drug to right wing extremism for years (even before he went full mask off).


Squire_II t1_j9ow8bj wrote

> It's rulings like this that incentivize the police to NOT learn the law.

That's intended. The entire idea of qualified immunity is a judicially-created concept. It has no basis in law itself since Congress once considered it and then explicitly decided not to implement the idea.

However, since the judiciary in the US has never had its continued self-granted expanse of power checked by other branches, these kinds of abuses continue and will continue.


Squire_II t1_ivv9vai wrote

> I wonder how Mitch feels about stealing Obama's Supreme Court appointment now.

Unless a conservative dies in the next 2 years (or 2 months, depending on the GA runoff), McConnell is going to spend the rest of his life seeing a 6-3, or worse, SCOTUS that he made happen. If he had to give that up in exchange for a Senate majority for a few years he wouldn't ever make that trade because he's one of many working towards a long term goal and judicial capture is a major factor in making permanent minority rule by Republicans a possibility.