
clampie t1_j14bsif wrote

Underground activity is important. Japanese researchers discovered major plumes under Greenland in 2020.

- A hot plume (Greenland plume) rising from the core-mantle boundary beneath central Greenland is discovered.

- The Iceland and Greenland plumes are connected and supplying magmas to Iceland, Jan Mayen, and Svalbard hotspots.


clampie t1_j0rullf wrote

Don't trust that data.

China was building a lot of steel and cement for themselves. But that's over.

On top of producing everything consumed by the world. They still have to do that. That's where the emissions are from.

Where do you think your plastic hose comes from? From the plastic mine?


clampie t1_j0rsw38 wrote

Everything you buy is produced in China. Where do you think they get the energy to produce it? If you close down the factory near you and move it to China, how is that green?

It's a shell game.