
MaynardWaltrip t1_je99yaq wrote

PA 211

Description of PA 211: If you need to connect with resources in your community, but don’t know where to look, PA 211 is a great place to start. From help with a utilities bill, to housing assistance, after-school programs for kids, and more, you can dial 211 or text your zip code to 898-211 to talk with a resource specialist for free. Our specialists will listen to your needs, and give you information on programs in your community that might be able to help.

Visit our search page to explore programs available in your community by categories such as financial assistance, housing, and food. You can also connect with a resource specialist via chat during business hours.


MaynardWaltrip t1_je7bby4 wrote

So I went you your Facebook page and watched a few videos… the Carolina Carnage vid posted on Feb. 5th looks legit like people are seriously beating the shit out of each other.


MaynardWaltrip t1_j6fe7ki wrote

Reply to Best bars by cul8rbb

Definitely start at the Spirit for Happy Hour in Lawrenceville. Check the times. 1/2 prices on drinks and pizzas. Check the socials for the hours.


MaynardWaltrip OP t1_j1pn10l wrote

Good luck with the move! They aren’t the most fun but it sounds like you’ve got everything well under control! I actually celebrated Christmas with my family on Christmas Eve day, so Christmas Day was a quiet one at home with the cats watching football and reflecting on a really good year. Very grateful. Thank you for asking.


MaynardWaltrip OP t1_j1pmffl wrote

Glad your pipes thawed! Soo many people around here actually had there pipes burst apparently yesterday. I cannot even imagine.

I actually celebrated Christmas with my family on Christmas Eve day, so Christmas Day was a quiet one at home with the cats watching football and reflecting on a really good year. Very grateful. Thank you for asking.