
GonzoDeadHead t1_j1elu0n wrote

Elon and free speech is an oxymoron

Does it matter who they spoke to? Does the recipient somehow make a statement invalid?

No, because when you have a political agenda and are going out there spewing lies there is accountability. Similar to what is coming for your orange god.

Your false sense of reality and clear and obvious bias for bullshit are laughable, if not truly depressing for what little education you must have and no self esteem. Back to the basement dumbass.


GonzoDeadHead t1_j1eiq0m wrote

Reading for comprehension champ - again from your own source see below. It’s funny how you right wing dill holes don’t consider the fact that private companies can have any fucking policy they want and don’t have to answer to you dim witted ass munchers.

During an interview with CNN's Brian Stelter, Lorenz defended her story as being newsworthy and that Libs of TikTok should be publicly identified.

"This woman is shaping the media ecosystem and shaping legislation and public discourse around legislation. She's also talked about mobilizing her base to run for local school boards and is collecting email lists, which 100% are going to be used for political purposes. So this is a political force. This is an influential media force. The idea that this woman is not newsworthy is quite nonsense," Lorenz said, adding, "we should scrutinize anyone that has power in this country, anyone that's influencing politics and legislation and public sentiment in the media."


GonzoDeadHead t1_j1egdde wrote

Knucklehead they did not refuse to provide the policy, they referred Faux news to previously published information - which is sited in the article you clearly did not fully read. Find a legitimate news source and stop going to that shit hole that has admitted in a court of law they are not news, but instead entertainment. Ass soon ass you link to that cesspool anyone with a clue is going to shut you down, or just walk away laughing.

From the article you linked:

“On the Wayback Machine's user guide, it says content owners who want their sites excluded from the service "can send an email request for us to review to info@archive.org with the URL (web address) in the text of your message."

In a 2002 forum exchange with users, the Internet Archive elaborated on its policy, writing, "While we collect publicly available Internet documents, sometimes authors and publishers express a desire for their documents not to be included in the Wayback Machine… If the author or publisher of some part of the Archive does not want his or her work in the Wayback Machine, then we may remove that portion from Wayback Machine without notice."