
DodgerWalker t1_j6i49k7 wrote

It basically means how much an issue is on people’s minds and how much an issue has on public opinion. As an example, in the 2012 election, health care was a high salience issue since the candidates talked about it a lot. In 2016, immigration had increased salience- it wasn’t talked much about in 2012 but Trump’s nomination and “build the wall” increased the salience. In 2020, immigration was lower salience since Covid and Black Lives Matter took up most of the dialogue.

Edit: I’m not sure if this fits your context. I’ve only ever heard the word with respect to politics.


DodgerWalker t1_j5q6yuw wrote

If I was in that guy’s position, I would have wished for a device that I could tell a proposed wish and it would tell me whether it was still grantable- would make his job far easier. Plus it would block anyone else from getting a similar device so he wouldn’t have any competition in the wish consulting agency.


DodgerWalker t1_j4veewq wrote

I was so confused until I remembered that in the UK, the word “majority” means what we call a “plurality” in the US. I take it that absolute majority means more than half in this context, which is what we Americans just call a majority, while simple majority means the most, which Americans call a plurality.


DodgerWalker t1_iyalh4u wrote

I wrote a Python script where you can type in any two election years and it will give a map of the relative change in partisanship from the first year you put in to the second year. Note, however, that it is a relative change so e.g. Clinton and Biden both won Nevada by 2.8 points, but Clinton won the popular vote by 2.1, while Biden won it by 4.5, so Nevada moved 0 points in raw margin, but this shows up as -2.4 since that was the change relative to the national margins.