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Markantonpeterson t1_j7fvg2c wrote

How do you even come back from something like this. All of these buildings probably need to be demolished and rebuilt right?


photenth t1_j7g02va wrote

Yeah, relocation is the only solution as of now because electricity and running clean water are most likely gone as well.


EvilEyedPanda t1_j7gxv74 wrote

Also it's cold af there right now, generators and designated shelters is 1st step.


ChiggaOG t1_j7h751t wrote

The high number of deaths is related to the construction methods of buildings in their region. I do believe there is zero emphasis to build for resistance.


Godtiermasturbator t1_j7gl10x wrote

And what about search and rescue attempts? All those buildings are likely death traps for first responders. No words for how horrible this is.


whattothewhonow t1_j7grp1k wrote

Its pretty cold in that region and will get colder over the next few days. Its almost certain that many trapped people are losing their lives to hyperthermia.


e430doug t1_j7ht9y8 wrote

Rebuild with better building codes. It will be more expensive, but that city was located where it was for a reason. It will get rebuilt.


haoest t1_j7hs32i wrote

Fiscal stimulus QE of course
