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DistanceAlone6215 t1_ix4cowq wrote

I dunno wtf you are talking about. Your arguments are confused and unfocused

The point is very simple. The same motivation that drives us in the west to ignore human rights abuses in our immgiration detention centers, in China, in India, In Israel, is the same motivation to criticize Qatar. Dislike and hatred of Muslims

The proof is the pudding. International sport is held in those countries all the time, without any or little outcry


[deleted] t1_ix4kf34 wrote



DistanceAlone6215 t1_ix4pln6 wrote

LOL I dont mind someone disagreeing with me, but you just are a dumbass

Like try to stay on topic and make a single coherent argument

What a pile of drivel, tbh have only glazed over your last two posts due to how incoherrent they are