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skhanal271 t1_iwz65v6 wrote

Nepali here, born and raised in Kathmandu. A friend from school who used to flunk school ended up working as a migrant worker to feed his family (taking a huge amount of debt in the process mind you) to build the Qatari infrastructure. Came back after 4 years and at 30, both his kidneys have failed so he has to get dialysis every three days. But it’s good to hear that Infantino gets its and that it’s not Qatar’s fault. Brilliant. I’ll call my friend and reassure him that FIFA is with him and that Infantino understands what it means to be a migrant worker now, everything will be okay


Burgos13 t1_iwyqml8 wrote

So today we learned that growing up as an Italian in Switzerland, in a town a few of km from the Swiss-Italian border, is as difficult as being a slave worker in a theocratic state in the Middle East, who works 14 hours a day in inhumane conditions and doesn't know if he will be alive at the end of the day.

Yeah, sure, I feel for you Gianni.


luckydice767 t1_iwzhygi wrote

Jeez, can’t you read? He had RED HAIR!


SounderBruce OP t1_iwyj061 wrote

The whole quote is...quite something:

>Today I feel Qatari. Today I feel Arabic. Today I feel African. Today I feel gay. Today I feel disabled. Today I feel [like] a migrant worker.

>“Of course I am not Qatari, I am not an Arab, I am not African, I am not gay, I am not disabled. But I feel like it, because I know what it means to be discriminated [against], to be bullied, as a foreigner in a foreign country."

>“As a child I was bullied – because I had red hair and freckles, plus I was Italian so imagine."


PBandJ980 t1_iwypkrw wrote

Close the books on anything bad you have to say about this guy and FIFA. He was red haired and freckled for Christ’s sake!


ASilver76 t1_ix05gdx wrote

Because as we all know being ginger is exactly the same as being gay - if not worse.

Thanks South Park!


kytheon t1_iwynmn3 wrote

“I feel pretty

Oh so pretty

I feel pretty

And witty

And gay”


imnotsoho t1_ix0pxfk wrote

If you read the above statement without context it could almost come from Megan Rapinoe. From the guy who allowed this whole situation to develop, it is infuriating.

We have to be better. We ALL have to be better!


timmythedip t1_iwyjhpg wrote

The best thing about this outburst from Infantino is that he’s clearly under a lot of pressure from the Qataris, which means everything that’s being done to highlight the abuses in country is upsetting them, which means it’s working to some extent.


Joseluki t1_iwywurr wrote

Oh, for sure, his leash has being tightened so he has to bark at their owners demand.


galyarmus t1_iwznt8w wrote

I mean, just look at all the corruption he’s gotta hide man you have to be sorry for the guy He’s only richer then we can ever hope to be, how do you expect him to cope with these issues?


timmythedip t1_iwzt5s6 wrote

There’s no amount of money that’s worth defenestrating yourself for these regressive tyrants.


neverending_debt t1_iwzlogk wrote

I love how he says white people are responsible for every single crime of the last 3000 years and therefore has no right to judge Qatar for using slaves or murdering gay people.


carlse20 t1_iwzrx36 wrote

Right? The melding of the stupidest parts of far left rhetoric (white people bad!) and the stupidest parts of far right rhetoric (ignore human rights abuses cuz whataboutism and money!) is what’s truly spectacular about this oral faceplant.


ilritorno t1_ix02tbw wrote

In italian we say "gli estremi si toccano", "extremes meet". Boy, did they meet today in the figure of a swiss-italian-afro-arab-onceredhaired-freckled-gay-migrantworker.


BleuRaider t1_ix151fb wrote

Because both can’t be wrong and their descendants can never criticize anyone for the remainder of time.

He is so fucking stupid.


CILISI_SMITH t1_ix4n3qu wrote

>their descendants can never criticize anyone for the remainder of time

Many of the descendants even criticise their ancestors and their values. It's why they pull down statues and an make apologies. They're trying to grow and change and be better to each other.


Cayfish t1_ix7ezlr wrote

It’s like when Anderson Cooper found out an ancestor of his was a slave owner who was killed in a slave revolt. He approved of it and didn’t feel bad for his ancestor.


superarts t1_ixeld5h wrote

Just don’t drag us Americans from china into this clown show. I’m not blaming my ancestors for anything, they were just poor farmers abused by all sorts of dictatorship.


Cayfish t1_ix7exns wrote

Last 3000 years? LMAO, everyone was doing sinister shit that long ago. You had human sacrifices being done in Ancient Civilizations for instance!


DamNamesTaken11 t1_iwyjp49 wrote

Translation: Qatar told me to say this, please stop so they keep sending the checks to my Swiss bank account!


cbzoiav t1_iwymyeh wrote

The closest thing I'll say to defending him is he is actually Swiss so a Swiss bank account for once isn't a direct sign of corruption.

Every action FIFA has taken meanwhile...


jaguarthrone t1_iwysf2d wrote

The Qatari government is a repressive, theocratic, patriarchy. Fifa is now Qatar's bitch. Whoring for money...


Waiwirinao t1_ix37qh9 wrote

That makes Beckham the mother of all whores


ThurstonHowellIV t1_iwz026o wrote

The idea that Qatar is above criticism because others have also committed crimes of humanity is so intellectually hollow.


helenata t1_iwyoro4 wrote

He forgot to say he felt like being brainless..


brett1081 t1_iwzsmkk wrote

How did FIFA get someone worse than Blatter?


costelol t1_iwysiwc wrote

...well I feel insulted.

What is it with the Swiss and their moral bankruptcy? The worst of them run Fifa too!


OnlyHereForMemes69 t1_iwzsf6m wrote

Just a reminder that if you are going to watch the world cup there are ways that don't give them extra ratings. 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


molensloot t1_iwzde5b wrote

Fifa is in no position whatsoever to lecture others on ethics.


ChaosCustard t1_ix18rlf wrote

Sure you are a migrant worker, they all earn $245,384 per month, $61,346 per week, $12,269 per day, $1,533 per hour and $25.56 per minute.

"According to the annual report, Gianni Infantino made a total of 2.98million Swiss Francs in 2021 ($3.19million). On top of that, the 52-year-old also enjoyed just under $20,000 in expenses.
It must, however, be noted that 1.95million Swiss Francs is Infantino's base salary, while the additional 1.03million Swiss Francs is the variable wage which will be paid in 2022.
Nevertheless, the combined figure means Infantino's salary works out at $245,384 per month, $61,346 per week, $12,269 per day, $1,533 per hour and $25.56 per minute." Seb Sternik: Planet Sport


Darryl_Lict t1_iwzn6r5 wrote

The beer riots of World Cup 2022 are going to be something to behold. Storm the luxury boxes!


Naked_Lunge t1_iwzvni6 wrote

Gianni probably got bullied because he was the same wank stain he is today.


Pompilius_n t1_ix15hj0 wrote

Thumbs just for using “wank stain”. Totally under used these days


ldnk t1_iwzxfc2 wrote

Let’s treat him like one. Take away his passport. Work him to death and then dispose of his corpse so family can’t grieve properly. Seems fitting if that is how he really feels


BonsaiBudsFarms t1_ix02qa0 wrote

You know, like one of those multi millionaire migrant workers we’re all familiar with. Cmon guys, he’s a man of the people!


TheDeadlySquid t1_ix0wxc0 wrote

Fuck these assholes. Boycott the event. These people only understand money.


MMBerlin t1_ix18tgm wrote

The teams should let Qatar win the world cup. Just to show how idiotic this whole endeavor is.


becauseyouaskedme t1_iwzm87w wrote

And yet people will still watch the World Cup. Stop supporting fifa and the ioc. Protest if your country wants to hold their events. They’re corrupt and out of touch and they need to pay


ralpher1 t1_iwzwkci wrote

Would it be so hard to make a new world soccer federation that is free from corruption?


drdildamesh t1_ix0801m wrote

Did you die assembling a stadium? No? You don't feel like a migrant worker. This may be thr most tone deaf take ive ever heard.

And youre behaving just like a rich turd. Textbook.


dr3wfr4nk t1_ix0g0rt wrote

South Park was right about gingers having no souls


hypetoyz t1_ix0lbsn wrote

Infantino looks like the type of villain to get assassinated in some luxurious castle in the south of France surrounded by underage sex slaves.


p3n3tr4t0r t1_ix0lgtq wrote

What an enormous stinking piece of shit. I wish someone would put him to work in the conditions those workers.


JynXten t1_ix15q4c wrote

Getting lectured about ethics from FIFA is like getting parenting advice from Ian Huntley.


Fabulous-Bandicoot40 t1_ix2jvuz wrote

Guys. Go easy. Nobody understands oppression like a wealthy, middle aged white man raised in Europe.


Betasheets t1_iwyx1qx wrote

FIFA has no choice but to protect Qatar at this point being the world cup starts tm.

Infantino also lives in Qatar.


newbsd t1_ix007c0 wrote

Punchable face


scuac t1_ix06rlq wrote

What is this? I don't even...


johnmc76 t1_ix0juc5 wrote

Infantino. What an appropriate name. He has the brain capacity of an infant. Though that's probably insulting to infants.


URSillychangemymind t1_ix0wnyv wrote

Didn’t thousands die building these events?


BleuRaider t1_ix15dao wrote

Yes, but Gianni was bullied as a kid so we can’t talk about mass deaths for a sporting event or the institutional genocide of the LGBTQ+ community. /s


rasputinzbeard t1_ix0yjw4 wrote

The guy can hardly walk because of the weight of the brown envelope in his back pocket.


Rowdy_Roddy96 t1_ix12q6e wrote

Portugal vs Argentina Final because this cup is going to be extremely rigged


Captaincaveguy t1_ix17ed9 wrote

Would be funny as fuck if he got arrested for been gay


Jackamalio626 t1_ix18j6m wrote

How many of the 6000 people who died building your stadium were "migrant workers"


VIM731 t1_ix1f966 wrote

Wow. That's fuckin weird dude.


maido75 t1_ix1j8q9 wrote

Johnny Tiny-Baby


bobbib14 t1_ix1mthb wrote

he is so ridiculous. i hope fifa fires him. what a fiasco!


gimli2112 t1_ix2ahhu wrote

If you thought it would never get worse than Sepp Blatter, you were wrong. I hope they're making a FIFA II sequel - how we saved the world!


baldurcan t1_ix2aylf wrote

who the fuck is he to decide on people's behalf what to wear, eat or drink? on a side not, you better not say that you are gay in qatar infantion, that could be your last words in a country where has no human rights, women rights, animal rights and lgbti rights.


PharmerJoeFx t1_ix2kc1o wrote

Migrant workers don’t get huge bribes. Just FYI. POS.


theCEPenguin t1_ix2nmwc wrote

The clips from this that I’ve seen sound like the ravings of a lunatic.


Horrid_dog t1_ix2w8q5 wrote

Fucking idiot is prepared to say anything. Bald headed freak. He has 0 remorse for the 2600 families who lost their father. Let’s be clear about that….


wavewalker59- t1_ix57npr wrote

Sounds like he's listing any and every class or type of person he feels superior to.


ispooderman t1_iwzx1ra wrote

I don't blame Gianni he's a greedy man . The whole world has let each other down . Now i don't want to speak against Qatar in the sense the people are genuinely nice ( same cannot be said of the decision makers ) . The entire world should have either boycotted it or actually sent some kind of enforcers to ensure things were done humanely.

This is a collective failure of the whole world .


DistanceAlone6215 t1_iwzx8sk wrote

He's right. Instead of cherry picking what he said, the point is, that the criticism is hypocritical and racist.

Amnesty International have said Qatar has done a lot to reform.

But the main point is, sport is commonly heald in countries we herald with far far worse human rights issues. China, Russia, India and Israel to name a few


Lomenbio t1_ix0eae8 wrote

  1. Previous world cups have been HEAVILY criticized. There were whole scandals about Germany sending RPGs to Saudi Arabia to secure their vote for hosting. Brazil forcefully relocating entire slums for fan zones. Russia.. just in general. But I'm sorry that was such a long time ago, your tiny brain has probably already forgotten.

  2. What all of these countries didn't do is kill thousands of people to build stadiums on the backs of actual slaves. That's actually a unique and very justified point to criticize Qatar for.

For every minute of football played at the word cup, 30 slaves died. But yeah... racism is the issue here. We're all being racist toward Qatar. We should just accept their culture of killing slaves and gay people and women and...

Fuck you.


[deleted] t1_ix15l5u wrote



DistanceAlone6215 t1_ix3lw80 wrote

Thats complete bullshit

The last winter olympics was in China, in the same region where there are 1-3 million Uigurs in concentration camps. there were no boycotts, no countries said shit.

That occurred literally miles away. No the countries were only concerened about shoddy accomdations. China the same country that literally uses actualy slave labor to make the iphones you type this from. Silence.

Sport is held in India and Israel all the time, and silence. Both countries with FAR worse human rights records. Not even comparable to the systematic opression and killing of minorities.

The last WC was in Russia, lmao


[deleted] t1_ix42bk8 wrote



DistanceAlone6215 t1_ix43qq3 wrote

But thats just it, you dont care about human rights abuses in Qatar, you just dont like Qatar or Muslims. Just be honest about it. Otherwise you would care about human rights abuses against the same ppl in your own coutries and others

I think the same countries and people that happily cheer pakistani migrants drowning and languishing in detention centers their whole life, now pretend they care about them in Qatar are racist. You dont care about racism and human rights abuses against the same people in every other country

I think the same people who ignore and cheer the oppression and killing of Muslims on a far greater scale, in countries like China and India and Israel, but pretend to care now are racist

I think the same people that never put a purity test on countries to host sport but now do it on Qatar are racist

Selective outrage, especially when its so obviously false, is racism


[deleted] t1_ix464s2 wrote



DistanceAlone6215 t1_ix4cowq wrote

I dunno wtf you are talking about. Your arguments are confused and unfocused

The point is very simple. The same motivation that drives us in the west to ignore human rights abuses in our immgiration detention centers, in China, in India, In Israel, is the same motivation to criticize Qatar. Dislike and hatred of Muslims

The proof is the pudding. International sport is held in those countries all the time, without any or little outcry


[deleted] t1_ix4kf34 wrote



DistanceAlone6215 t1_ix4pln6 wrote

LOL I dont mind someone disagreeing with me, but you just are a dumbass

Like try to stay on topic and make a single coherent argument

What a pile of drivel, tbh have only glazed over your last two posts due to how incoherrent they are