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sandwichpepe OP t1_j4vc3u1 wrote

link to the sound it was making

link to og post

heard very intense scratching noises in my kitchen ceiling for a day or two, then suddenly stopped. then … the smell came. i hear faint scratching sounds every now and then and have no issues, so i knew this was something different. apparently raccoons can get stuck inside ceilings. we have no trees around either. now i’m sad to know that this guy was panicking and dying up there … wish i could’ve cut through to take it out but i rent.


PenalAffliction t1_j4vn05d wrote

Around this time last year I had some fighting for territory in my ceiling. 2 or 3 of them SCREECHING and tustling around at 4am right above my head. Was a nightmare. I humanely trapped 3 (by setting a trap on my roof) in total and moved them to New Jersey.


sandwichpepe OP t1_j4vo3wu wrote

where they belong


SouthPhilly_215 t1_j4whg3l wrote

I mean this was their territory before we built a city here.


DestroyerOfIphone t1_j4wupjv wrote

Camden is the birthplace of the modern-day raccoon? Unfortunately, when humans built bridges, the trash pandas got confused and moved to Pennsylvania. But don't worry, with a little effort, we can help bring them back to their roots!


Ghstfce t1_j4x7s4w wrote

>I humanely trapped 3 (by setting a trap on my roof) in total and moved them to New Jersey.

Now they'll have to pay a tax if they ever want to leave. Smart move.


PenalAffliction t1_j4x9ixs wrote

This was actually my main rationale haha. They won't have the funds... (Also I read you have to move them very far or they'll come back)


Ghstfce t1_j4xa2qy wrote

Trash panda...move them to the Garbage State. It's like it was meant to be.


Ulthanon t1_j4wl9w2 wrote

>moved them to new jersey

a fate worse than death

source: live in jersey


sandwichpepe OP t1_j4vn6mm wrote

looks like they’re gonna leave the dead raccoon in a bag in my trash can in front of my house … wtf do i do with it???????? it’s another 5 days before trash people come and this shit stinks 😭😭😭


medicated_in_PHL t1_j4vnzga wrote

You can take it to a sanitation convenience center.

Edit: however, that does require you putting it in your car.


sandwichpepe OP t1_j4vr8ue wrote

i don’t have a car :( and lord i’m not about to kill an uber driver


imanAholebutimfunny t1_j4w64u8 wrote

put it on a chair on the street as a means to save a parking space for someone. I have a feeling it will work really well.


medicated_in_PHL t1_j4vu2rg wrote

Pour some lime (limestone powder, not the fruit) in there, and hope that we get a cold snap that keeps that corpse frozen until trash day.


coffeeistheway t1_j4w1j2f wrote

Oh we are definitely not getting a cold snap this week. 😂


bluewallsbrownbed t1_j4wj0hg wrote

This is the most Philly-landlord-solution I've ever heard. "Yo, just put the fuckin' thing out front, city'll take it."


IKillZombies4Cash t1_j4vzng6 wrote

Tie that bag up air tight, put it in a second bag, and tie that one up air tight....and just ignore the thought of it all.


air_derp t1_j4xt5xd wrote

Put in empty Amazon box...wait 30 minutes.


tempmike t1_j4xvpxo wrote

Write "Dead Raccoon Do Not Eat" on the bag and leave it on the sidewalk till trashday


beefox t1_j4wl8ie wrote

It'll be cold enough out just leave it in your can or whatever.


defense87 t1_j4vgchh wrote

Did the sheet rock just come down or did you guys cut it out and lower?


sandwichpepe OP t1_j4vhjf7 wrote

second one! they carefully cut a rectangle, pulled it out, then lowered it.


rollingstoner215 t1_j4vg0zs wrote

Did you have to wait until he died and then the landlord removed him? Either way, looks like the ceiling got torn up.


sandwichpepe OP t1_j4vm58g wrote

kinda? they texted me every now and then asking if i heard the sound, telling me that they’ll have someone out as soon as they can. once i updated them that i don’t hear it anymore (big mistake) they went quiet. jan 8 or 9th was when i first smelled it. i texted them on jan 10th about the smell, to which they said they will send someone out. they came this morning, the 18th, to get the guy out.


Tetsuos_Arm t1_j4ylsih wrote

Jfc. In that situation you're betting telling the landlord either they take care of it or you'll bill them directly. That lights a fire under their ass even if you have no intention of paying for it then billing the landlord.


sidewaysorange t1_j4wpfp5 wrote

you can still cut through if you rent you just have to have it fixed.


collectallfive t1_j4x8ft8 wrote

Damn, crazy to think about how you, as the person who lives in the home, couldn't take measures to prevent this from happening which caused it to be a bigger and more inconvenient problem for both you and your landlord


LocalOnThe8s t1_j4xchfl wrote

Wtf did you expect them to do? They notified the landlord, that's their problem.


collectallfive t1_j4xdupj wrote

What do you expect them to do? Live in a house with a mysterious scratching noise in their ceiling and then the wretched stink of a dead animal lingering around for weeks because the possibility of handling the problem and the landlord sticking them with the bill bc they couldn't be bothered to deal with it in a timely manner or pay for pest removal?

Or would you rather they pay for the pest removal themselves with money they likely don't have and hope they don't have to take their landlord to court to recoup the costs of a service that's likely covered in their lease?


flamehead2k1 t1_j4xg56o wrote

Dealing with it and demanding a credit against rent is the best move


collectallfive t1_j4xgnk6 wrote

Sure! But I have also seen wealthier landlords threaten people with court over things tenants are perfectly within their legal rights to do and tenants back down because the protracted stress of navigating the legal system is not worth the otherwise temporary inconvenience of skipping meals or asking friends and family to cover for them. The whole point is people shouldn't have to choose between the two.


LocalOnThe8s t1_j4zyggn wrote

The landlord should have taken care of it the whole next day. Most tenants don't have extension ladders to climb up the roof to seal entrances, or traps. You can cut the ceiling out and then what? Beat the shit out of raccoon with a swiffer?


collectallfive t1_j524s6s wrote

> The landlord should have taken care of it the whole next day.

Ok, but they clearly didn't do that.

> Most tenants don't have extension ladders to climb up the roof to seal entrances, or traps.

Yes, but if they owned the home they'd be more likely to have those things since it's their responsibility to maintain it.

> You can cut the ceiling out and then what? Beat the shit out of raccoon with a swiffer?

Not sure but considering the going solution is "wait for the landlord" and "let the animal die of starvation and then rot in the ceiling" your suggestions seem more likely to actually solve the problem (though maybe without the animal abuse)


cathbe t1_j4yvpmr wrote

That is really sad. Also intense! How do you think he got in? Thanks for your empathy.