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GoochMasterFlash t1_j63un95 wrote

Makes me wish spray deodorant was banned in schools. I remember a major part of middle school gym class was people getting into axe spray fights in the lockers. You couldnt breathe in there with two or three people spraying them at each other


letmestandalone t1_j63ygus wrote

In high school I was in a music practice room with a small group and someone threw a can of axe in the room which had been stuck open with a straw or something. They then immediately shut the door and jammed it shut, which wasn’t hard because there were so many chairs in the hall as it was being used to store the excess practice chairs. We were desperate to get out. I’m not asthmatic but I am allergic to most perfumes, and axe is one of the worst. I had to be sent home because I was throwing up and struggling to breathe. We didn’t see who threw the can in and the school never followed up, but they could have killed someone, maybe even me, doing that. I’m still kinda furious someone didn’t get suspended over that.


TheCh0rt t1_j64e7zd wrote

I would have been more worried about the hordes of beautiful, highly aroused women chasing after you like a pack of starving wolves.


mrsc1880 t1_j65ujxp wrote

Honestly, I would've been there. I was a sucker for an overly scented boy.


MoldyLunchBoxxy t1_j642cp9 wrote

Yep. I wonder if I have any damage done from all of the spray people used to use in the locker rooms.


JBreezy11 t1_j65puto wrote

Yay, more adds to my fear list, as my son is about to go to K-12 soon.


Mid-CenturyBoy t1_j6ea2tr wrote

If anything has this ability it should absolutely be banned outright. That’s Mother Nature telling us to figure something else out.