Submitted by MajesticBread9147 t3_1279bpr in newjersey

I've long been thinking on and off about moving outside my hometown/city, and looking through all the statistics on jobs, affordability, walkability, public transportation, proximity to "home" etc.

I recent wrote off the entire New York area because I thought I couldn't afford it. But I recently found out Newark has a lower cost of living than where I am, and a similar cost of living to Chicago, another city I was thinking about moving too, but is much farther away.

I'm a 22 year old single man, not college educated but work in IT. The reasons why I find Newark appealing are

  • Suburb near a big, walkable city with good public transit. I researched cities and been to a decent amount of cities and a lot don't even feel like a city because there's no walkable infrastructure or public transit. Newark, despite being a suburb has that which I like a lot. I grew up in a suburb just outside of DC that was pretty walkable, and I miss it. .

  • Low cost of living. Newark has a significantly lower cost of living than my hometown, and a quick look on craigslist shows room shares for well under $1,000 a month which is a huge plus. That's pretty cheap especially since it's only like 30 minutes outside the city.

  • City in a blue state that won't ban abortion or do stupid shit that takes away people's rights

  • I want a change of scenery, environment and culture.

My only concerns are

  • I've never even been to a big city (other than maybe Phoenix when I was young). Although one of my hobbies is exploring cities and Google Street view, and like the vibe of New Jersey, but New York City seems sort of overwhelming although it's still one of my favorites because of how fascinating it is.

  • Nightlife. Is there a lot of bars/clubs? is there a music scene in the larger New York area? I know they have drill, but would love to know if they have a punk or alternative scene as well.

  • How is the dating scene and local culture? One of the grapes I have with where I live now is that people tend to be a bit overly career focused and out of touch. It isn't make or break since I'm used to it here, but I'd like to know. I have heard the stereotype about finance bros in New York City proper, which seem to be the local version of consultant/ defence bros we have locally. how pervasive is this? Or is it only really a thing and Southern Manhattan and Brooklyn?

Any other tips or things I should know would be greatly appreciated!



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Nostromo48 t1_jed7qqi wrote

If you drive around Newark at 6am on Sunday morning you can see all the prostitutes walking home after a hard night. I worked there years ago but I doubt anything’s changed. Couldn’t believe how many…. Union city much better vibe.


Groady_Wang t1_jed7zh6 wrote

At your age and what you are looking for Jersey City and Hoboken might be closer to your vibe. But the cost will be higher compared to newark.


Motivator9931 t1_jedarhi wrote

>Newark, despite being a suburb

Are you talking about Newark proper or one of it's suburbs? Newark is definitely not a suburb, it's the largest city in the state.


nakedaids t1_jedb58k wrote

Listen Newark is not the greatest city. It’s got a lot of culture and is suuuuper easy to go to the station and be in NYC within 30 mins. But be aware that Newark is mostly known as ghetto. There are nicer parts but overall not the nicest place. I have friends who live there for the same reasons you are citing, they have had their wheels stolen. Packages stolen. One friend told me she’s used to sleeping through gun shots.

Not trying to shit on Newark but there’s a reason it’s cost of living is low…because it’s hella ghetto.


Nexis4Jersey t1_jedby06 wrote

Idk which part of Newark you're driving around , But I haven't seen that in Downtown or University Heights... Most of that activity is near Airport Hotels and Union City isn't immune to sleazy activities what do you think happens in those hotels along 1/9?


Nexis4Jersey t1_jedc4yp wrote

I would only say the West Ward & parts of the South Ward are "ghetto" these days...most of the city over the last several years has seen a rapid redevelopment boom on par with where Jersey City was in the mid 2000s.


Nexis4Jersey t1_jedca31 wrote

I would ask on r/newark because you're not going to get too many real and truthful answers from the posters of this Subreddit.


MajesticBread9147 OP t1_jedcag5 wrote

I always thought of it like a suburb of New York City. Maybe I'm looking too much into it, but I thought Newark was similar to Alexandria, Virginia. Like it's technically a city but it's still only developed to the degree. it is because it's close to a larger city that's across a river, same with nearby and unincorporated Arlington County. They are very populated and some have a "city" feel, but still suburbs because of the dominance of the nearby city. Hell, they even have pretty similar population densities too.


LordRaison t1_jedt16o wrote

Newark is what would technically be known as a satellite city to NYC, but historically was actually the major city in the area for a long time before urban decline and white flight took hold during the 1900s.

I used to live in a suburb of Newark, and would frequently spend time going into/through Newark. It's an honestly amazing city, with a lot going for it now especially as it has had renewed interest for redevelopment. There are several good museums and venues in the area, good food all over the place, and tons of transit options as the main transit hub of NJ.

The city still has problems, but they are a shadow of what they used to be, and it is only improving with time as more redevelopment occurs. Just do your research on neighborhoods to see if they are a place you'd want to live.


kittyglitther t1_jedxeog wrote

I would very pick Chicago over Newark. No question.


grfede1 t1_jee8m84 wrote

If you can live in the Midwest, or even just outside of Chicago, you might be happier. Since you’re so young, though, why not give yourself a year or two in a few places? Don’t worry about a permanent place yet. And maybe get that 4 yr degree finished while you do it. It’ll be better for you in the long run.

In 20 years, you’ll be making good money d your employer will want to replace you with someone cheaper. (Just facts.) without a degree, you’re more replaceable.


BYNX0 t1_jee8s4x wrote

Please please please don't ever call Newark a suburb of NY. Don't get me wrong, we love New York, but we're also proud of our own state and wouldn't want to think of one of our most major city as a suburb for another place.

With that being said, I'd recommend spending a few hours driving around and walking the downtown. If you feel comfortable and happy during that time, maybe you would want to move there. If you feel nervous, and/or uncomfortable, maybe it's not the right place for you.

P.S. Google street view is great, but IMO does a terrible job of getting a places vibes.


whodisacct t1_jeeac7v wrote

Those are for families from out of town who are seeing all there is to see along the Rt 1&9 corridor - the wonderful shops, the attractions, the great restaurants and of course the nearby waterfront.


Snownel t1_jeeju3c wrote

Newark isn't a big tech city. Audible, sure, but that's kinda it. We have a couple of data centers but no big tech job hubs. Unless you work remote or are willing to commute into NYC, I'd hesitate. And if you are willing to work remote, there's a lot of places that are better than Newark for that.


Laraujo31 t1_jeeknz3 wrote

Newark has a reputation for being bad but the Ironbound section and sections close to the Belleville/Bloomfield border aren't that bad. Judging by what you wrote, seems like Jersey City and Hoboken may be more fitting for you.


moobycow t1_jeemnux wrote

The commute is so easy to NYC though, that I wouldn't consider this much of an issue. Not many places you can live where you are closer to more jobs within a 30-40 min commute than Newark, other than living in NYC.


Good-Throwaway t1_jees378 wrote

I would recommend Harrison. Not familiar with that area specifically, but I knew people who lived there. It has a Path station, so its very well connected to Jersey City, Hoboken & NYC.


Snownel t1_jeeyh3g wrote

The commute is easy (comparatively, anyway - I wouldn't want to do it daily myself) but OP seems more interested in NYC for the entertainment, not really as a commute. Though if he is, you're right, that's a solid option.


Snownel t1_jeezl7u wrote

The "greater" NYC metro area is packed with data centers for obvious reasons, but there just aren't that many in Newark proper. Working around all the older construction is kind of a pain.

I do property valuation and have a little experience in data centers, IIRC the biggest concentration of data centers in the area is Secaucus, which is more or less an industrial hub and a train station. Newark is certainly an option but I'd first take a look at Jersey City and the rest of Hudson County, maybe a little up north too if the price is right.


Significant_Limit_68 t1_jef618p wrote

If you enjoy a city full of ghettos and the thrill of possibly being robbed, mugged, or killed. Then Newark is your city!


grimrandall t1_jeffofn wrote

QXT's is an great alternative nightclub on Mulberry Street in Newark.


penguintransformer t1_jeg68eq wrote

I love Newark (btw it is a CITY, put some respect on its name.) If you've never been to a large city, I'm not sure Newark is for you. There's nicer areas like the Ironbound area, but those places will definitely cost you more than $1000. Newark is not the safest place, and it seems you may not have the streets smarts.


Worried-State6699 t1_jeh1hg8 wrote

If you’d like to be by NYC. Union city, West New York, North Bergen & Guttenberg are reasonably priced, safe suburby cities with good transportation in NJ. You can get to Hoboken & Jersey City easy enough that have trendy bars & restaurants outside of NYC (the city).

Being that you don’t have a degree (yet) in this area you still have great opportunities to make good money with your choice how you want to navigate your career. If you do decide to go to college or even just certified you’d have lots of choices!

Not gonna lie would help if you speak at least survival Spanish in the towns I recommended. That being said, there is a vibe about NJ - you either love it or hate it. The joke a friend of mine that prefers Pennsylvania/Philly says they should put up a sign that says “Welcome to North Jersey, Fuck You 🖕🏻”. The good thing is once your here it’s easy to move elsewhere if you like it better or you find a solid job (i.e. deeper into Jersey, PA, CT or NY). It’s really up to you what you want your commute to look like.

Here are some management companies that you can find reasonable rent:

If you can go over $1000, these places are solid (usually heat is included + no realtor fee) including Jersey City area & you’ll have your own place (you can always upgrade as you make more money)

To sell the area even further: -you have access to at least 3 airports -you’re within an hour to the beach, mountains, lakes, one of the biggest cities in the world (most amazing skyline) -you’re less than 2hrs from Philly, 4hrs from Boston & DC -you will get used to everything being within 10min (walking/public transpo/car) that you’ll be spoiled -you’ll get some of the best produce in the country, every town basically has a farmers market, but even your local ShopRite sources locally & you can’t beat the ethnic markets -there is literally every type of food within 30min -best sandwiches you’ll ever have

If you’re adventurous & social, you’ll love it.

Either way, best of luck!!