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happyexit7 t1_iw5rbtd wrote

If only democrats came out to vote like this in every election.


Mlitz t1_iw668o8 wrote

Democrats were not the ones that got MGP elected. It was the moderate Republicans that turned the tables. As a very middle ground, Millennial, independent, I have a lot of "Republican" friends that I know voted for Turmp actually voted for her.


Striper_Cape t1_iw6nit2 wrote

Can't trust Joe Kent. Also shows how fuckin brainwashed my dad is, that he still fucking voted for Joe Kent because somehow, MGP is socialist.


MandatoryFunEscapee t1_iw78q8k wrote

We all need to start asking people who accuse anyone of being a socialist to define socialism.

And when they can't, tell them the definition.

Worker-owned means of production

Democracy in the workplace

Decommodification (and/or nationalization) of living expenses (food, water and electric production and distribution, data distribution, housing)

I've had conservatives say "that isn't socialism, that sounds good." Paraphrasing.

But then they look it up. Most cope and seethe at having lost a point in an argument. But some sit and think quietly. I've had 2 conservatives (moderates) change their tune. The last one went from echoing Fox talking points in every convo, to "I misunderstood Bernie before, and AOC is a little green on the political side but she has great ideas."

Two out of dozens I've debated isn't a good ratio, but putting Leftist values in perspective is literally the only thing that has had any success so far.


bwc_28 t1_iw7y5qh wrote

These are the same sorts of idiots who rant about how "communist" Obamacare is while saying they love the Affordable Care Act because it helps them, completely unaware it's the same damn thing. Fox and other right wing outlets have flat out brain washed people.


Ma1eficent t1_iw5c46d wrote

Hahahaha. Yeah getting endorsed by that sellout got ya real far, didn't it, Kent.


[deleted] t1_iw6h2q2 wrote



Retaeiyu t1_iw6m7ce wrote

Careful don't hurt yourself by reaching that far. Clown.


I_miss_your_mommy t1_iw7s6s4 wrote

Women of color are just people, and that’s what I like about Tulsi. As a full independent person she chose to become a Russian plant and complete piece of shit. As is her right.


manoverboard321 t1_iw8lryy wrote

Jesus christ dude. Being anti-war makes someone a piece of shit now? I'm old enough to remember when democrats weren't war hawks. Got any proof, or even a motive for her to commit treason? Or should we just line her up against the wall based off of yours and Hillary Clinton's good word?


jonna-seattle t1_iw95kk1 wrote

Tulsi has always been a Hindu fascist. She got her early support from a Hindu fascist organization, and has covered for Modhi's crimes in India. She's extremely islamophobic. To get into office in Hawaii, she had to tone some things down and run as a democrat. Endorsing trumpist scum is just her true colors coming out.


rontrussler58 t1_iw86mjr wrote

She’s like a Hindu nationalist. If you’ve never worked with a condescending Indian who sees you as the untouchable caste for being a White American, I can understand where you might think she’s a decent person with a different POV. In reality she’s likely quite bigoted.


jonna-seattle t1_iw95sz1 wrote

When she covers for Modhi's pogroms in Gujarat, I think it's safe to say Hindu fascist, not just nationalist.


mrgtiguy t1_iw897iv wrote

Nice narrative. False, but nice.


[deleted] t1_iw8f0cx wrote

it's their new thing whenever a leftists criticize a woman or minority for that person being a bigot, etc.


manoverboard321 t1_iw8m3jz wrote

Don't like them stealing from your playbook?


[deleted] t1_iw94yhx wrote

Jesus fucking christ dude, you really are so fucking moronic you don't understand the difference between "Criticizing someone for being misogynistic/homophobic/etc" and "falsely calling someone that because they don't like you"

all you fucking conservatives are the biggest fucking immature babies, grow the fuck up


littleblackcar t1_iw5g5yc wrote

Thank you for the seat WA-03 GOP primary voters! Loyalty to MAGA & TFG is sure paying off huh? ❤️


MasterChiefette t1_iw6fe1l wrote

He hasn't conceded, because he thinks he is going to find over 4,600 votes from the 6000 votes that need verified. Since Marie is getting over 50% of the votes it means she'll still be ahead by over 5000 when those 6000 are vetted. Kent is done. He is a conspiracy whackadoo that even a large portion of Republicans here in SW don't like him.


Thakog t1_iw7157x wrote

No, a slender minority of Republicans don't like him... he still got nearly 50% of the vote.


MasterChiefette t1_iw88buk wrote

50k+ is no slender amount. That is generally the margin of votes that separate Dem and Rep candidates here.


wolf1moon t1_iw9h4rg wrote

5k not 50k.


MasterChiefette t1_iwb20fc wrote

Think you mistake what I said. Dems lose elections here by 50k+. That means for Marie to have won this election 50k+ Republicans would have had to voted for her.


wolf1moon t1_iwcqnph wrote

Totally. I think moderates must have voted for her.


APF49 t1_iw5iig1 wrote

I am worried about crime and inflation, which is exactly why I knew it would be absoutely stupid to vote for any Republicans.


backflips_everyday t1_iw5xxkk wrote

We’re all in agreement that she’s fifth column right? LikeI feel like it’s pretty obvious that shes bought and paid for by the far right and/or Russians to be a disinformation actor


Gwtheyrn t1_iw69hr8 wrote

Oh, yeah, she's a Russian agent. Zero doubt in my mind.


[deleted] t1_iw6ccat wrote



Gwtheyrn t1_iw6d35f wrote

Because treason is a very narrowly defined legal term, and laws are for us peasants, not our betters.


nucleardonut2211 t1_iw6jfh4 wrote

That as well as while we all know they are paid by the Russians and other state actors the only solid proof of Russian payments are from the super rich with political connections and now we get into what kind of political donations are okay and not and no politicians want to open that box on campaign and vacation funds any laws would stop if they kick up that storm


kspot t1_iw7itp8 wrote

I think what you’ve pointed out is specifically why we won’t go to east with Russia.

Congress declares war. Congress would create (legal) criminals of some of themselves if they did (cause those that are already taking Russian money… they’re not going to give up the money)


[deleted] t1_iw6h73m wrote



LOOKITSADAM t1_iw7vuha wrote

You know when children latch onto a word they heard, but have zero understanding of, And just repeat it mindlessly because they saw it get an adult what they wanted?

That's what you're doing, except it's with morality and basic human decency.

Not a great look.


DaBear1222 t1_iw5c5vz wrote

Tots and pears for Joe Kent


H2Bro_69 t1_iw5u5dl wrote

Ah yes the great and all-knowing Tulsi Gabbard. What an endorsement!!!


novdelta307 t1_iw9hr3v wrote

Tulsi is a Russian asset


Old-AF t1_iw5yl4l wrote

EXCELLENT! Well done, Marie! Thanks, Trump.


wolf1moon t1_iw9hfcs wrote

Yes! Hopefully this pushes any future nominees to be more moderate too.


Shparks97 t1_iw92ues wrote

I am thrilled to finally see Republicans out of that seat.


[deleted] t1_iw5yq4g wrote



Yuvneas t1_iw7svr6 wrote

Yeah, there is no middle ground with republicans when you lot think stripping people of rights and genociding trans kids is a "political opinion." I absolutely will degrade and deride people who think their hate and christian fascism is valid.


[deleted] t1_iw5v6il wrote



Sturnella2017 t1_iw5xyxq wrote

Yeah but he’s taken that story and used it to justify hate. That’s pathetic.


PepeLePuget t1_iw6c4q2 wrote

It’s entirely possible to feel bad for someone and still recognize their low value. Hell, I feel bad for whatsherface’s blind husband.


Skwink t1_iw64pjw wrote

Joe Kent can’t even keep his own wife safe, how did he plan to keep the voters safe?


[deleted] t1_iw5e9zl wrote



CougdIt t1_iw5twlw wrote

How does it sell out due process? Do you think they stop counting when the media reports something?


[deleted] t1_iw85j1s wrote



CougdIt t1_iw8axbs wrote

Yeah he media never calls a race before polls are closed do they?


[deleted] t1_iw5ud4l wrote



CougdIt t1_iw5uge3 wrote

Agreed but a media outlet calling it does not affect any part of the rest of the process


Remarkable_Ad7161 t1_iw5fj4c wrote

Hmmm so with under 10k votes remaining, you think Joe Kent has a chance of converting a gap of 4600+ votes? I don't think the news outlets just throw out wins arbitrarily.


bedlog t1_iw5u60j wrote

Have weirder come backs happen? Im sure you are right but what if?


Jasonrj t1_iw6284b wrote

>Have weirder come backs happen?



VariousHumanOrgans t1_iw6c0kf wrote

You mean weird comebacks where math all of a sudden doesn’t work right?


littleblackcar t1_iw5k47s wrote

> it sells out the due process of vote counting

What does “sells out the due process” even mean?

You do understand that election officials don’t stop counting just because a media outlet ran some statistical analysis and determined it’s essentially impossible for the outcome to change based on remaining uncounted votes, right?


[deleted] t1_iw5ts6t wrote



Old-AF t1_iw5yug7 wrote

Media isn’t “deciding” anything, they are REPORTING what the votes are trending at and what is the likely outcome when all of the votes are counted.


Amelia-Earwig OP t1_iw5h53u wrote

The media has always reported early estimates. It doesn’t matter because the vote counting will continue until finished.


doktorhladnjak t1_iw5m868 wrote

By that logic, I guess no race in the state should be called or any candidate declare victory for weeks until every county had finished counting and certification


sallymarmalade t1_iw6cu8a wrote

The AP was 100% correct on their 2020 calls. They have 4000 reporters on the ground checking in with vote counts, and they use the math of how many votes are left and where and previous voting tendencies for things like mail-in votes or overall political leanings (like say, if DC actually got their own representative, they’re not going to flip from 90% Democrat to 51% Republican in 2 years… that’s extreme, but that’s the idea). They call it when it’s very unlikely to change.