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ForceOfAHorse t1_j4vdquh wrote

I thinks good sleep hygiene is much more important than a small chance of not hearing smoke detector. Especially for me, since there isn't a single smoke detector in the building I live in.


Horknut1 t1_j4w3ajd wrote

Are you crazy?

Don't buy earplugs then, go buy smoke/CO detectors. Right now.


ForceOfAHorse t1_j4wcshe wrote

Why would I need CO detector? There is no device in my whole building that generates CO. Also there is such a little chance of a fire happening spontaneously in my apartment that what is even the point of smoke detector? To beep at me when I grill steak?


Horknut1 t1_j4weknz wrote

Godspeed, friend.

Edit: Actually, I'm curious about your intransigence. You described where you lived as "the building". Is it a single family residence? Or an apartment building? How is it heated? Does it have an attached garage? Does it get cold where you are? Are you the only person in the building?

Edit2: I was being hyperbolic when I asked if you were crazy. Apologies. No offense intended.


ForceOfAHorse t1_j4wfazg wrote

Thanks. Not everybody lives in a type of building you do, so not everybody needs the same things you need.


Zedd2087 t1_j4wj8t1 wrote

Every building needs smoke detectors and CO2 detectors.


ForceOfAHorse t1_j4wlf3b wrote

What for? I'm especially curious about CO2 (I assume you mean CO?) detector. Where would CO come from in a building that has nothing that works using flames?


Zedd2087 t1_j4wmexn wrote

Here's a better question do you like being alive? Get a CO2 detector then idiot.


ForceOfAHorse t1_j4wn19t wrote

And what does this CO2 detector do exactly? It beeps when I breathe out or what?


Zedd2087 t1_j4wo0qw wrote

Go ask google I dont have the patience for an idiot who endangers lives.