
ForceOfAHorse t1_j9kl5j2 wrote

Why would I need more torque for a brush? I'm not bending steel beams there. I have my vacuum set at "minimum" power since it already sucks everything up. Maybe that's because there are no extra holes on the side for belt and stuff that leaks air left and right?


ForceOfAHorse t1_j6i8do6 wrote

> And there's unrealistic deadlines that almost feel punitive sometimes.

Wouldn't it be easily explained by assuming that parents are sharing the workload? After years and years of kids coming to class with all the assignments done, it would just become a new standard. If all kids are showing homework done, what's the problem then? It's easy job!

Anyway, it's just homework. It doesn't matter if there are mistakes, or if it's not done fully. All it matters is that a kid spent time on their own (or with peers) trying to solve the problems using materials available to them and skills they acquired during class.

The only acceptable (to me) help with homework is to show your kid the methods. Never use your own knowledge on the subject to "help" them solve issues, only encourage your kid to seek the answers on their own. But that's something that would be done few times at start of their education, not some regular occurrence.


ForceOfAHorse t1_j5ua56j wrote

> I'm guilty of doing it too

Well then, the technology is then correct to flag you for higher insurance. Good thing is that you are aware of it and could maybe work on it. You know you are doing dangerous things behind the wheel but you don't care about fixing them since you see no value in that. Your time is more valuable than well being of other people. Maybe a thought of keeping insurance money in your pocket would be enough to convince you to be more careful while driving?

It's not a comment about your specific driving, but to people in general. I'm sure a lot of people would think twice about their driving habits if it meant saving money.


ForceOfAHorse t1_j5u5jce wrote

> I had to brake fast because someone pulled out, not because I'm an agressive driver.

If you were a good driver you'd anticipate it and not have to brake hard. If it happens often to you it means that you are not paying enough attention to your surroundings

> I had to drift in my lane to give a bicycle room as I passed them, not because I'm inebriated or distracted.

If you were good driver, you'd switch lanes when passing a bike at safe and comfortable distance instead of just drifting a little bit. If you happen to be in this situation a lot, you should rethink how you overtake other road users.

Sometimes it's not technology that is dumb. Sometimes (and I dare to say, a lot of times) drivers just have terrible habits and they don't recognize their own mistakes behind the wheel.


ForceOfAHorse t1_j5pnpxh wrote

If you raise tip of your nose the urge to sneeze just goes away. That's what this tip is about, not pinch your nose shut and release the kraken exploding your eardrums.


ForceOfAHorse t1_j2ek9d4 wrote

Breathing in stuff (like big particles) is generally not very good for you. It of course all depends on the stuff - for example if you are just using water to increase humidity, that's fine. But if you use anything smelly, it will affect your throat and lungs.

Maybe you meant air purifier? That's opposite of air diffuser :)