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brewce47 t1_iyo97td wrote

I’m allergic to dogs ( and cats) 😂


WhiteHairedWidow t1_iyoe22n wrote

I wonder what our doggies think we do when we leave the house..probably to go on some adventure.


RanchPoptarts t1_iyoih23 wrote

I'm not that strong, i didn't deserve his love


so-pitted-wabam t1_iyokghq wrote

This is great advice thank you. My dog just ate my hamster and I’m switching to paper plates now.


NohPhD t1_iyolncx wrote

Be better than the person your cat assumes you are


WonofOne t1_iyp184d wrote

I’m proud to say I am. They’re equally as awesome though 😇🐶🐶


AgentChris101 t1_iyp6ahn wrote

Well... I have a cat. The cat calls me Wow woooow wow. And leads me to her food bowl. So I must be wow. The bringer of food


Auirom t1_iype9an wrote

Your dog thinks your awesome even when you yell at them.


6018674512 t1_iypf2p3 wrote

My dog thinks I am a person who sleeps too much and farts in her face (why does she have to cuddle my butt under my blanket?). I guess I don’t really have to change anything though. Great motivation


Yavin4Reddit t1_iypo2qn wrote

I’ve never owned a dog. Is that why I don’t believe in myself?


TONKAHANAH t1_iypzbvv wrote

big goofy fun guy with food?

sounds like me. im probably not actually as fun as my dog thinks i am all the time, but who can really live up to those unrealistic standards?


youshouldvebeenthere t1_iyq2n7j wrote

Aah so controling (constantly restricting the dog in natural behaviour) and a psychopath, by excluding the dog from their family when its just a puppy still. Get motivated!


Naiko32 t1_iyq2poj wrote

well, you literally are, dogs have inconditional love maybe we should start benig a bit more like them in some regards


Godwantspie t1_iyq2z6g wrote

More like be the person you think you're dog thinks you are


Iclearedweird t1_iyq5sas wrote

My dog was stolen. The dog before that died ☹️


eArticleSolutions t1_iyqedq5 wrote

I have never owned a dog. Cats only. What does that say about me?


enduring_student t1_iyqfc0p wrote

I've seen this line several times, and every time it makes me happy!


missemic t1_iyqk2q1 wrote

My dog just thinks I am the butt scratcher and a meal delivery service and a heater. My daughter gets the love, I get the butt.


DaFugYouSay t1_iyqk7o3 wrote

By using a shit font and putting it over top of the tiny picture of a person? Y'all need to hire a designer.


aurinkopaista t1_iyqkui8 wrote

Haha my dog thinks I'm a weak ass lazy bum who can be manipulated into giving him anything he wants at any time!


Tonlick t1_iyqmy3d wrote

This one is cute


yube0 t1_iyr88tz wrote

Doggo 🥲