
DaFugYouSay t1_j9jja1i wrote

Early on I said maybe he wants to be the hero and he's doing it by being the anti-hero and driving the rest of the world in the right direction by doing so. I don't believe it but I did say it early on!


DaFugYouSay t1_j6iiup6 wrote

>Well... > >> “We had all these big people around the country thinking our guys were really doing this, and it was starting to make us all look bad,” former rackets investigator Tobias Fennel explains. The class backgrounds of the victims certainly didn’t hurt,[...] > >So had they not been rich and influential, they might have not gotten any help. But indeed they ended up helping gay men.

If they hadn't been rich and influential, nobody would have bothered blackmailing them in the first place.


DaFugYouSay t1_j49ohph wrote

I watched the special on them on whatever streaming platform it is, Netflix, I think, and what struck me the most is they sounded live exactly like they did in studio. Amazing live act.


DaFugYouSay t1_ixryrev wrote

>How is this going to work. Sounds like there is no evidence beyond her saying he did.

Men have gone to prison for less. Not rich white men, of course...

Mike Tyson, for instance.

OMFG people. This is a 100 percent true statement, must be the trumpers are out in force. Can't wait till you guys tear each other apart in the next election.


DaFugYouSay t1_iw2kjs7 wrote

I didn't say it wasn't, but it goes like this "hey my friends, you need to watch miyazaki's films because they are great films," to which my friends reply "I don't like anime." And nothing I say can change that, I don't blame them because most of what passes for anime is rubbish, and Studio Ghibli's films are nothing like them at least none that I've seen.