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SapientRaccoon t1_j1pz1nq wrote

Are "Natives" still allowed to profit from their deaths in the name of disgusting, obsolete "culture"? Maybe it's time to stop the racist special dispensation, then.


Tribe303 t1_j1qk290 wrote

Racist pricks like you can fuck right off.


SapientRaccoon t1_j1qzc8o wrote

Hunting culture can die in the same historical dumpster as slaver cultures.


AKBonesaw t1_j1rz4sj wrote

You’re a human animal that hunts. Check your incisors.


F0rtysxity t1_j1u0znu wrote

If man had stayed as hunters and never developed agriculture very few of the current world problems including mass extinction would be occurring. Just not certain on what side you are on.


Important_Coffee6117 t1_j1x7xqh wrote

Loud mouth racist piece of shit thats all you are, people like you have taken away our lineage, the culture and heritage of our people and now whiteman wants to take this away as well? Like they've taken everything else from us?! you could go fuck yourself