
yiannistheman t1_jaw4vw7 wrote

Affects only those developers in etrading positions, which is a miniscule fraction of their overall tech workforce.

And for those, I'm guessing that's only if JPM wants to enforce the garden leave. I'm sure in most cases, they'd probably accept 30 or 60 days of notice. It was already commonplace for employment contracts to have non-competes (which were already notoriously difficult to enforce), so I don't know how much this changes things.


yiannistheman t1_j9tu2ad wrote

A lot - can't get paid, can't get laid, and need to blame it on someone else because they're so pathetic that they're unable to do anything about it.

If these fucks looked in mirror and couldn't blame the fucking disgrace looking back at them on someone else, they'd probably lose the motivation to keep going.


yiannistheman t1_j9fdraa wrote

I started off my career after college as a hardware engineer. I loved prototyping (although analog design wasn't my thing). I ended up moving in a different direction career wise, but today I'm always amazed by the level and sophistication of open source tools for simulation and design. You could DIY back in the day too, but like anything else CAD tools and existing fab options got to the point where just about anyone with a bit of training could have a professionally crafted PCB built at a very low cost.


yiannistheman t1_j8arkdh wrote

C'mon, you weren't actually expecting an investigation run by the NFL commissioner, paid for by and reporting to the owners, to have consequences for one of said owners? In an off the field matter no less?


yiannistheman t1_iyj6ag0 wrote

I tend to mostly be a "lesser of two evils" voter, but there's not a day that goes by that I don't think Garcia would have been a thousand times better than Adams, who I knew would be a disaster (and he's still below my expectations of him).

At no point did I expect him to improve crime or the NYPD situation.


yiannistheman t1_iugeyl2 wrote

As always, it's best to go to the source and ignore the mainstream media's spin.


>While emperor penguin populations appear to be currently stable, the Service has determined the species is in danger of extinction in the foreseeable future in a significant portion of its range. There are approximately 61 breeding colonies along the coastline of Antarctica, and the species’ population size is estimated to be between 270,000 - 280,000 breeding pairs or 625,000 - 650,000 individual birds.
>However, according to the best available science, by 2050 their global population size will likely decrease by 26 percent (to approximately 185,000 breeding pairs) to 47 percent (to approximately 132,500 breeding pairs) under low and high carbon emissions scenarios, respectively.
>The estimated decrease in population size is not equal across Antarctica. The Ross and Weddell Seas are strongholds for the species, and populations in these areas will most likely remain stable. However, emperor penguin colonies within the Indian Ocean, Western Pacific Ocean, and Bellingshausen Sea and Amundsen Sea sectors are projected to decline by over 90 percent due to melting sea ice.
>While this estimated decline is concerning, listing the emperor penguin as threatened under the ESA comes while there is still time to prevent the species from extinction.


TL/DR - the population is currently stable but based on the current state of their habitat and the rate that it's declining, actions need to be taken now to help preserve the species before decline sets in and it's irreversible.