
x01660 t1_jeg33vq wrote

Honestly? Not that much more... I ride a motorcycle, and my job requires me to make frequent, random visits to client sites (MSP). A car would be annoying but doable, and metro doesn't go where I need it.

In addition, since I spend the majority of my time in the city (I live in the district proper), I try to get out on the weekend. Easy to ride (or drive my fiance's car) out 40 minutes to Chesapeake Beach or Annapolis then it is to take public transportation. Same for the monthly Costco trip.

I mostly take Metro to go to the airport, or to get back home after walking to the Mall/museums on a Saturday. But it's too slow (at least compared to my motorcycle), and doesn't go where I need it, when I need it.


x01660 t1_jdozecs wrote

Yet ANOTHER reason to ride a motorcycle in this town.... I rode down there today. And traffic was at a standstill from the Ohio St. Bridge, ALL THE WAY around (they reversed the flow of traffic on Ohio Drive, so you go straight past the gate, then loop in the opposite direction of normal traffic flow) to Maine Ave SW.... Like, stopped. I split lanes the whole way and it STILL took me 30 minutes to make that ride....

No WAY I would go there in a car. Period. Total shitshow....

It WAS gorgeous, though... not gonna lie....


x01660 t1_j3luu1z wrote

I'll be the first to admit that I'm a car and motorcycle enthusiast; I LOVE the art of driving and riding, and I practice skills and take driving/riding courses as often as I can.

That said, driving is a PRIVILEGE and NOT a right... And too many drivers (ESPECIALLY out here in DC; y'all CRAZY) have an entitlement to the road.

It doesn't work that way.

My honest opinion is that we should do tiered licensing, like they do in Germany. But I also understand that until we fix our nationwide public transportation system, that tiered system would put undue burden of people of a lower SES, especially those that HAVE to commute to work.

If we had a better public transportation system, a LOT of people who would otherwise drive (out of convenience, skill level, or fear) would be off the road and in a bus or train.

That said, I get why the average person would be pissed off at drivers around here... its an utter shitshow... I can't count the amount of times that I've almost been flattened while riding my motorcycle.... Like the dude in a RAM 1500 who was doing 50 in a 15 on the opposite side of the road (i.e. headed right towards me) to get around a double parked car, and I had to go ALL the way into the bike lane (lucky it was unprotected) and still almost got hit....


x01660 t1_j1412xi wrote

Real talk; I'm a bit motorcycle/car-brained myself. Always ride EVERYWHERE (or take my partner's car if I ABSOLUTELY must), even short distances. I also did some tech work at DCA a bunch of times and would just ride there.

I took Metro to DCA for the first time about a month ago; I'll NEVER drive there again. 1-2 trains and you're there. Right in Terminal 2 (I believe).

I get the comfort of having your own car and being able to just get in and go, but SERIOUSLY consider Metro, at least to get to the airport. Its TOTALLY worth it, and WAY cheaper (parking fees, gas, agony being stuck in traffic, etc). Hell, park your car near a Metro station so you don't have to walk home or whatever.

But take Metro to go to the airport. From one carbrain to another, its worth it.

Good luck!