
washington_jefferson t1_je40cgb wrote

Exactly. Even gas company plants (e.g. Exxon) in areas like Africa are well built and don't pollute into the surrounding environments. Their facilities are insanely expensive and efficient. People just hate global corporations and will always say "they are ruining the environment!" Always.


washington_jefferson t1_jdbc4b6 wrote

I used to live 3/4 of a mile from a Jimmy John's in Portland, and they wouldn't deliver to me. They only used bikes at that time, so they may have changed their policy now that e-bikes and scooters are so ubiquitous. I emailed them once to confirm they wouldn't deliver to my address 3/4 of a mile away, and they wrote back that "maybe in the future there will be another Jimmy Johns that opens closer to you." I thought that was kind of funny, actually. Especially since their store was located in the closest area to me that was zoned for businesses. It wasn't possible for a store to be closer!


washington_jefferson t1_jd83zzo wrote

Civilians in Ukraine are being murdered every day. That’s the reason. You’re suggesting something like, “greetings gentlemen, what do you say that we allow Mr. Hitler to finish doing what he’s doing, and once he’s settled in and comfortable, we’ll address the matter with seriousness.”


washington_jefferson t1_jcn1kzl wrote

> I don't usually fly, but I made an exception when my sick parents needed me. During the flight, the turbulence was so bad that I found myself praying for it to stop. Although I wasn't on a flight like that again, I know I would be extremely frightened and possibly even pass out if I experienced such turbulence again.

-- ChatGPT Bot (Beep-Bop)


washington_jefferson t1_jbno84p wrote

I think the issue is if you have new dogs showing up every five minutes, and they are each allotted 10 minutes of barking, then there will always be barking- just from different dogs. That’s why the sign’s intentions are not realistic. Either have a dog park or not. Let the dog people deal with problem dogs in the park- they don’t want that dog causing problems either.


washington_jefferson t1_jabpqi4 wrote

> What do you mean sink? Islands don’t float and can’t sink.

Since this is a political thread you have to be a little more obvious with the sarcasm if you don't use /s (I hate the use of that hashtag- so, kudos). Something like:

> "What's the deallll with sinking Taiwan? They're not a boat. They're just big chunk of land. You can't sink land. It's like trying to drown a cactus. It's not gonna happen."


washington_jefferson t1_ja3pphz wrote

Oh, I wasn’t talking about this case. The Reggie guy does not exist. I was arguing against the user who said investigators have tons of ways to verify it was certainly a specific person even though they used cash. I was just adding that they could be walking (not sure why everyone keeps mentioning gas stations- normal corner markets are common), and that the camera might show the person looks and dresses like most people in the area.


washington_jefferson t1_ja3nmp2 wrote

I’m just saying there are plenty of street corner bodegas in my area. Cash only for lotto. Many people that buy lotto tickets are poor, and they don’t even have cars. Sometimes there are no neighboring businesses- just old houses that definitely don’t have Ring cameras. Lots of these junkies that buy lotto tickets look the same- baggy clothing, and wearing a hat with a hoodie on top. Probably even wearing sunglasses inside the market no matter the time of day. Basically Jesse Pinkman prototypes from Breaking Bad. No snitching culture is rampant.

Not a big deal though. If you possess the ticket, and you at least match the profile- you should obviously get the money. Any other scenario is just speculation or hypothetical. No entering of a debit pin, no use of a credit card, no license plate, generic profile that matches 70% of the street profile, cash payment- no DNA 🧬!

As for the hold up in payment, there is no disclaimer that says you can’t buy a lotto ticket in cash, while walking, while obscuring your face on camera, and look like a certain profile.


washington_jefferson t1_ja1whcv wrote

That has nothing to do with the sale of lottery ticket sales in the US. So, if you're buying a bottle of water, some chips, and ask for a lottery ticket- you'll be paying for the food with card and have to scrounge cash out of your wallet for the lottery ticket.

> In 2021 in the US, debit cards accounted for 28% of all payments, credit cards accounted for 23%, and cash accounted for 19% of all payments.

> According to a 2020 survey by Payments Canada, cash accounted for 20% of all payments in Canada, while debit cards accounted for 30% and credit cards accounted for 22%.


washington_jefferson t1_j9q7l2g wrote

Your dad should track down the ad team at the ad agency that came up with the commercial. Maybe a Coke marketing exec as well. For Coca Cola itself, it’s time to move on.

Hell, I think people got “mad” at Pepsi foe when they did a Super Bowl ad where Kendall Jenner hands a cop a Pepsi to “smooth over” police brutality. So, maybe your father shouldn’t drink Pepsi either?


washington_jefferson t1_j80y637 wrote

Yeah, it might get banned in some subs. One sub I frequent the most involves a lot of international law and domestic policies. ChatGPT makes it wayyyyy easier to help people. Before you had to use bullet points from referral references from Google searches, and now you can just tell ChatGPT to give its answers in bullet point form. The thing is- you have to ask it specific questions and tweak things, and you kind of already have to know the answer that you are asking about. It just saves you time explaining and citing things. If you need actual facts with more certainty you should use google, or ask chatgpt where it's getting it's sources.


washington_jefferson t1_j7yak9u wrote

Unfortunately. Here is a good Radiolab podcast: https://radiolab.org/episodes/home-where-your-dolphin

I asked ChatGPT and it said:

> You might be referring to the story of Margaret Howe Lovatt and the experiments she conducted with a bottlenose dolphin named Peter in the 1960s.

> Margaret Howe Lovatt was a researcher who worked with Peter, a captive bottlenose dolphin, as part of a NASA-funded project to explore the possibility of communication between humans and dolphins. The experiments took place on a small island in the Virgin Islands, where Lovatt lived and worked with Peter for several months.

> During the experiments, Peter became sexually aggressive towards Margaret Howe Lovatt, and she claims to have engaged in sexual contact with the dolphin as a way to appease him and maintain a calm and productive living environment for both of them. However, this behavior is considered highly controversial and unethical by the scientific community, and Lovatt has faced criticism for her actions.

> In the end, the experiments were unsuccessful and the project was eventually abandoned. Peter was eventually transferred to another facility, where he died several years later. The story of Margaret Howe Lovatt and Peter the dolphin continues to be a topic of interest and debate in the scientific community, and serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of crossing ethical boundaries in animal research.

So, basically an OG nottheonion story.


washington_jefferson t1_j7wibbk wrote

You’re obviously not a part time bettor! Making safe bingo card picks doesn’t pay out well. “Big earthquake in Turkey” or “Controversial police brutality killing in [insert small city in the South or Midwest] does not pay much profit.

You’ve got to go with something like “Ellen transitions to a man, reboots career, and is the number one-rated talk show host,” or “Local [insert small town] franchise Jack in the Box starts selling beer and cocktails to generate sales. Is quickly shut down for not even having a liquor license.”

Big $$$ if you hit on a bunch of those.


washington_jefferson t1_j6jkl78 wrote

The whole Sovereign Citizen thing is totally nuts. People get crazy traffic violations, and then proclaim they were “not driving” but merely “traveling” and they have the right to free travel without government interference. I’m sorry, but unless you’re on an Indian reservation or a US military base, you have to follow traffic laws. You can make up your own rules. You are a subject of the United States. If you want to move into the remote jungles in Central or South America and try to do your own thing- good luck!


washington_jefferson t1_j0sl5xm wrote

That's pretty wild. I had a cell phone in 1995 when I was 15. I think I only knew a couple of people who didn't have cell phones when I went to college in 1998. That said, when I lived and/or worked in Germany in the early 2000's, I'd have to use my German cell phone to call my parents on their land line. US rates were super high on cell phones back then for overseas calls.