
theherbpuffer t1_j6gsbbx wrote

I'm from Texas and hip hop there isn't what it used to be that's for sure. I wouldn't necessarily say Houston and Dallas are churning out great hip hop these days..I don't even really listen to any new school rappers there besides Le$ and Leroyce, maybe a little bit of Maxo Kream. Check out Big Mello if you haven't already, damn underrated 90s Houston rapper


theherbpuffer t1_j5oxfqa wrote

Lol my wife and I were just talking about sopapillas last night. I've really been craving one lately; I'm from Texas and still haven't found one here, although I haven't looked all that hard either.


theherbpuffer t1_j1xjlbl wrote

My wife and I liked the idea of having a food truck at our wedding but unfortunately our wedding was during the pandemic so it didn't go as planned. We were going to have it at the Pump House in Homestead and use the Burgh Bites truck; inexpensive and low key. We still ended up using them to cater our wedding, just couldn't have the truck. Amazing food and I'd recommend them in a heartbeat


theherbpuffer t1_j0jcl2u wrote

Pittsburgh has had affordable housing for a long time now. I'm from Dallas which used to be comparable to here as far as housing goes but now it seems like Texas is the new California.