
systemization t1_j9vlkiw wrote

Under Trump, unlike during the Obama reign, the US stopped rebuking Israel for its settlements in the West Bank and quit condemning Israel for simply defending itself from terrorist attacks targeting civilians.

The Trump administration was a strong opponent of the shamelessly anti-Semitic BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) movement, supported by three out of four House Democrats known as “the Squad”, which seeks to isolate Israel and destroy its economy.

Trump also signed an executive order giving Jews greater legal protections against persecution.

Democrats routinely smeared Trump as “Hitler” and “anti-Semitic.” It was a false and disgusting trope, even as the Democratic Party drifted further from bipartisan support against anti-Semitism and for Israel. Reports suggested that Trump was responsible for a rise in hate crimes, ignoring the fact that for the previous eight years under Obama-Biden, attacks on Jews were among the top three hate crimes (although they rarely made headlines).

Biden, meanwhile, has largely followed his fellow Democrats in moving away from strong, steadfast support for Israel. Many in the party openly embrace anti-Semitic rhetoric and policies, and the failure of Democratic leaders to condemn both is disturbing.

Worse, Biden is trying desperately to reanimate the dangerous Iran nuclear deal, which would facilitate Tehran’s nuclear ambitions and undercut our Arab allies while endangering Israel’s very existence.

Most Jewish voters chose Biden and vote Democrat for various reasons, but they should seriously consider joining other traditional Democrat voting blocs in abandoning the party. It’s long past time for Jewish voters to end their longstanding, but unrequited, loyalty to the Democrats, who clearly no longer care about their concerns.
