
skillywilly56 t1_j9n8nqw wrote

I watch YouTube videos for gaming stuff and historical docuseries and 4x4ing that’s it, my feed about a year or two ago went from gaming content to videos about “guy owns feminist” and Andrew Tate/Jordan Peterson type horseshit along with freaking sky news bullshit (I don’t even watch the news!) and all my gaming stuff just disappeared from my recommended list and I actively have to search and go to the YouTubers channel to get to the vids I want.

It’s not a me thing, I even tried downvoting and “giving feedback” and liking videos but nup did nothing to change the algorithm still just right wing anti female bullshit.

So either the algorithm thinks because I like video games and 4 wheel driving makes me an incel they are deliberately pumping stuff that will generate controversy or they think that other people who like those things will also like right wing incel shit and pump it to you.

Maybe it’s cause I watch it through my television app and not my computer or phone but I sure as shit never went looking for it and I can’t seem to get rid of it.

I’ve considered just deleting my account to see what happens, but even when I watch with a vpn without signing in boom horse shit right wing propaganda.


skillywilly56 t1_j9mmymr wrote

Dear lord have you never heard of a metaphor, one cannot just wash one’s hands of something like Pontius Pilot and make money off of it just because they didn’t make the content or have control of what users watch, because they ARE controlling it.

Especially when they use an “algorithm” to deliberately feed the content to users constantly such as the right wing bullshitery and misinformation because the most controversial stuff gets the most views and will give them the most ad revenue. They aren’t giving you the content you want, they are feeding you content that sells ads.

Like a book store that says “we have millions of books to choose from” and then the only books they have on display are books about Nazis, all the recommended reading is about how to become a Nazi, and then once you have gone and bought a book about something else entirely and come back a week later, “you wanna read something about Nazis” “ we really think you’d like stuff about Nazis” Because every time you read or buy something about Nazis they get more money than when you buy any other book.

They don’t have an algorithm, it’s a hate generator and the key factor is that it is deliberate. It deliberately aims content to generate ad revenue, it’s not an “accident” and that’s the sticking point.


skillywilly56 t1_j9lhcnn wrote

Terrorism 101: how to be the very best terrorist you can be! From constructing your very own IED to Mass Shootings, we can help you kill some innocent people! Written by Khalid Sheik Mohammed

And blazoned across the front of the book store and ads on bus stops and billboards, radio and tv ads: New York Times best selling! 10/10 Some random book reviewer, the Ultimate Guide to help you up your terrorist game-Good Reads, If you read this

Terrorist type activity increases…could this be linked to the sales of this book which you advertised heavily?

No we just sell books, not content, the content is the problem not the advertising or the sale of the book.

But you wouldn’t have been able to make all those sales without advertising…

We take no responsibility for the content.

But you made money from the content?


But no one would’ve known about the book if you hadn’t advertised it and marketed it heavily.

We can’t know that for sure, but we have a responsibility to our shareholders to make profit anyway possible…

Even by advertising harmful material?



skillywilly56 t1_j93dfrt wrote

They wouldn’t be our enemies, they would be our competitors and given how we have treated our own species, let alone the other species which inhabit this planet alongside us (we ate or killed the majority of them) the likely scenario is WE would either eat, kill or enslave them.

This scenario is guaranteed if contact is made by Americans first


skillywilly56 t1_j5lb84u wrote

We have not, we have always been destroyers, 48000 years ago all the megafauna that lived in Australia and Europe after hundreds thousands of years suddenly disappear, 13000 years ago all the megafauna disappeared from North America.

All these events were precipitated by the arrival of Homo Sapiens.

We have munched and crunched and killed and burned and eaten our way across this planet for millennia.

We have never been in harmony with nature because we are unnatural compared to other animals, the Industrial Revolution just accelerated the speed with which we consume it did not alter the fundamental problem which is that humans are greedy and will suck every last juicy drop of marrow from the bone before moving on.

Between 1888 and 1927 8 million koalas were killed for the fur trade to make hats…

North American Bison 1880 60 million-1889 500…just for their fur.

North American beaver fur trade, 400 million beavers when Europeans arrived in 1600s, down to 100 000 in 1900…

All of these things were happening long before Industrial Revolution, it just accelerated the pace.

Humanity has always been a bottomless mouth that endlessly feeds till there is nothing left then moves on.


skillywilly56 t1_j5hsprj wrote

Bacteria produce antibiotics as a defense mechanism against neighboring microbes to secure their patch, so it’s a kind of all out chemical war for supremacy because they evolve so quickly.


skillywilly56 t1_j5hrpbv wrote

Food is less of a vector of transmission, cause we cook it which kills the bacteria.

The nutrients provided by the food can accelerate the growth of bacteria, so foods high in fiber provide a substrate for bacteria to grow on, get the right kind of fiber and you can get the beneficial bacteria to grow faster and out pace the non beneficial bacteria.

Unless of course you’re eating all your food raw only certain foods which aren’t cooked like lettuce, would contain surface bacteria at very low concentrations.


skillywilly56 t1_j4wxd6q wrote

There is no “economicing” out of the climate crisis, offset schemes are never going to work, it’s just a way to pass the parcel to someone else while making money on passing the parcel.

The only viable solution is to throttle back the use of fossil fuels drastically to the barest minimum and stop land clearing for farms and new housing.

Human greed is killing this planet.


skillywilly56 t1_ixkfnay wrote

This is what it is referring to: “LaPorta also told his editors that a senior manager had already vetted the source of LaPorta’s tip — leaving the impression that the story’s sourcing had been approved. While that editor had signed off on previous stories using LaPorta’s source, that editor had not weighed in on the missile story.”

He told them an editor had signed off who hadn’t, the editorial board made a decision based on him telling them it had already been vetted.

So instead of confirming from multiple sources they decided to believe his lie so they could get the story out, instead of verifying.

He is most likely a scape goat for their bad decision making because in their excitement of being able to be the first to report on the beginning of the third world war, they misconstrued something he said or something he wrote as if it was Gospel and pulled the trigger so they could be “first” which is of course “his fault” not theirs for letting it through. The editors screwed the pooch and now need someone to blame for not doing their jobs properly.