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gizm770o t1_ixhvy9k wrote

It’s impossible to say. Hell, maybe the guy is an absolute asshole in the workplace and was on probation for inappropriate behavior. It’s all entirely speculative.


Chance_Bluebird_5788 t1_ixhwfl6 wrote

I think you're reading too much into this, it seems clear they're talking about a pattern of behavior related to his reporting


gizm770o t1_ixhxld3 wrote

I think you’re reading wayyyy too much into it. They don’t say that at all. Again, entirely speculative.


skillywilly56 t1_ixkdsg8 wrote

He is a former Marine, maybe got tired of him always eating their crayons?


BurstEDO t1_ixksh8q wrote

Just ask Rocky; marines will eat anything.

(In just 7 days...)