
othermegan t1_jeejar7 wrote

Glad I wasn't the only one to experience that. I did 6 years in North Hollywood and couldn't do it anymore. Like you said, they're just cut differently on the west coast and I got fed up with it. Sure it's colder and I do miss the food scene but I'm happier here on the East Coast. One day I'll go to San Diego for a vacation.


othermegan t1_j2foqdd wrote

I was supposed to meet up with the guy I’ve been talking to for a few hours at a friend’s party before making my way home for an early bedtime (gotta take someone to Bradly tomorrow morning). But sounds like he’s too sick to come and I don’t really feel like spending new years surrounded by a bunch of drunk frat brothers that don’t realize they’re not in college anymore and friends who think they know everything about love because they happened to meet their fiancé in college and never experienced real heartbreak

So now I’m thinking I’ll just chill in my bed and be miserable alone rather than spend the last few hours of 2022 faking being happy around a bunch of strangers


othermegan t1_j1u9ho9 wrote

I was talking to someone recently who explained why they’re on the fence about gun laws. He’s a cop so he is well aware of how easy it is to go out and illegally get a gun. He also loved hunting so you’d think he’d be super pro-gun. But he’s not.

His main point was that the whole point of Americans being allowed guns was so that the government/military didn’t have egregious power over them. If Britain came back or someone named themselves King and tried to use the military against the people, the people could defend themselves. But that was written back when it took forever to reload a musket. The founding fathers would never have dreamed of automatic weapons.

So let’s hypothetically ban automatic weapons. Every law abiding gun owner turns over their guns and we’re left with a handful of slower weapons. What happens if a narcissist becomes president and tried to incite an insurrection (that would never happen, right? /s). This person now has control of the military. What type of weapons will the military still have? Automatic weapons. How’s your lesser gun supposed to keep up with that?

It definitely gave me food for thought and firmly planted me on the fence more than I was already