
ooglieguy0211 t1_j1ggcjm wrote

It sounds like with lowered inhibitions due to drinking, you both allowed yourselves to have some non-sexual intimate contact with another human being. Its only as weird as you two make it. Its okay to have physical contact sometimes with someone, without the need to have sex with them.

I'm not sure, but it sounds like you were both clothed all night so thats a pretty good indicator that there wasn't an overt sexual attempt on either part, since that's not what you guys currently, if ever want. Its also okay that you took care to make sure he was okay after being so drunk, he is your friend after all.


ooglieguy0211 t1_ixitd60 wrote

All the things that you think are important now while you're in high school are only important NOW. They wont mean a damn thing after you graduate. Nobody in the adult world cares if you were popular in school, nobody cares if you were the prom king/queen. None of that matters outside of high school. What DOES matter, is people. The relationships we have with people, the connections with that special person. If there is a connection, the school has no bearing on what happens between the 2 of you. YOU make it work, take that chance, keep that connection. An hour away is not very far. If it becomes an even deeper connection, even the different countries becomes only a hurdle, not a brick wall. Make the time count, don't sit around and mope or play the, "What-if" game. There are only hurdles in life, find a way to overcome them. The only inescapable thing in life is death, aside from that, you make your path in this world. Make it a good one.