
jwm3 t1_j9nwtgn wrote

In the book that inspired them, attacks on infrastructure is what lead to the race war that let the fascists come to power and the complete genocide of non whites and Jews. This is presented as a good thing and a happy ending.

They seriously think everyone is just a blackout away from full on violently killing everyone that doesn't look like them.


jwm3 t1_j6wx714 wrote

No, not at all. See "enthalpy of fusion". Ice melting is endothermic, it has to take in heat from the environment to happen. By forcing it to melt earlier it pulls in heat energy and makes it's surroundings cooler than they were before. However this isn't violating the law.of conservation of energy because the act of freezing the water is exothermic, it gave off heat energy when freezing. It would violate the laws of conservation of energy if it didn't make it colder because then it wouldn't be balanced with the exothermic freezing.

Instant cold packs work on the same principle. Also, this is really easy to verify in your kitchen with some salt, ice, and a thermometer.


jwm3 t1_j3fi5t3 wrote

May I introduce you to the Bulwer-Lytton fiction contest? It is a contest to write the worst opening paragraph of what would be an awful novel. https://www.bulwer-lytton.com/

It was named after the penner of this famously bad opening paragraph.

"It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents—except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness."


jwm3 t1_j0aacmd wrote

Prefab houses. Containers are not great structures and replace one of the cheapest parts of the house with something incompatible with most housing standards.

Unless you can get the container for free or it is already taking up space on your land, might as well buy a proper prefab.

Though, if you were diy inclined and in the neighborhood and don't mind the possible legal consequences of snagging one of those containers, go for it.


jwm3 t1_itxav3v wrote

Blame the gutting of the inheritence/estate tax by Reagan. It make oligarchies possible in the US. In the past, if you wanted your wealth to live on you had to build a museum, or charity, or found a university. Basically billionaires had to find a public good to invest in before they died.