
johnniewelker t1_j9i8ryx wrote

I agree that ideally charter schools have the same admission requirements… however, the main reason charter schools exist is because they reject the “problem childs.”

The level of violence a kid can be subjected in the bad public schools is insane. The government has failed the public in education. Charter schools are just band aids


johnniewelker t1_j68al1k wrote

Automation will reduce the need for so much labor that we have now. Over time, earth will probably be okay with half or even a quarter of our population… still 2-4B people.

Kids who are being born today will be insanely rich in 30-40 years as fewer kids will be born and machines will cover the gap.


johnniewelker t1_ixiidtq wrote

You are looking for a cash flow statement.

The company takes on debt or raise new equity to cover the short fall in cash. I don’t know what Man U does. Also they had £165M in depreciation. That’s not real cash spent. It’s possible they had positive cash flow even before accounting for cash raising activities


johnniewelker t1_ixextc9 wrote

Yea that seems like a raw deal for part timers. Aren’t full timers required to do research or publish?

All in, even if each student pays $3K per class at 20 students a class. Paying faculty somewhere between $3.5K to $10K is very light. Teachers might be better off creating their schools and teach a class of 10 people online or to the students home.

This is insane.


johnniewelker t1_irb0y0f wrote

Africans, like Caribbeans, spend a lot of their training in the US and in Europe. So at the very least, I’d expect them to perform similarly to Caribbean athletes.

That’s said, we are talking about a small number of athletes. The reasons why a few emerge above the pack can be totally unrelated to genetics while on average it plays a bigger role, if that makes any sense