
im_thatoneguy t1_jdk1ror wrote

That radiolab is discussing the basis of a 2005 paper which included the entire genome. So a 2009 CDC analysis (which NPR cites) should be based on the fully sequenced H1N1-1918 genome from 2005.


This states that H1N1 didn't go away, it continued to evolve into a seasonal H1N1. And that likely the 1918 H1N1 branched off into the H1N1 in pigs prior to the human outbreak.


im_thatoneguy t1_jdjx0hg wrote

So if you didn't take any medication, you had pretty much the experience you would have in 1918--except you would probably take Paracetamol for fever and if your condition worsened you could receive tamiflu and other stronger medications?

Or like the difference between Alpha and Delta Omicron, they're the "same" but probably exhibited substantially different mortality?


im_thatoneguy t1_jdjlrq0 wrote

Out of curiosity if H1N1 Spanish Flu == H1N1 Swine Flu, why was Swine Flu so much less virulent? The Spanish Flu was particularly deadly among younger people and no young people would have been exposed to the extinct Spanish Flu.

(I Had H1N1 and it was awwwwwffullll, but didn't shut the world down like Covid or Spanish Flu).


EDIT: They're not the same:

>The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday the swine flu virus appears to be about as contagious as the average seasonal flu. In examining the virus, it also did not find the genes they think made the infamous 1918 flu so deadly.

Edit edit:

>Model to Explain the 1918 Mortality Patterns.
>Elderly individuals may have been protected from the 1918 virus by childhood exposure to an H1N1-like virus (5). We estimate that H1 and the H2 + H5 lineage diverged from a common ancestor near the time of the 1830 pandemic (SI Appendix, SI Text and Figs. S13 and S14). Moreover, protection was clearly greatest in those born before 1834 (5) (Fig. 3A), implicating the 1830–1833 pandemic virus, which would have primed the majority of that age group. If an H1-like virus emerged in 1830, it would likely have been positioned near one of the orange stars close to the root of the tree in SI Appendix, Fig. S13. Those primed as children between 1830 and 1889 by this HA lineage would likely have had considerable protection against the 1918 HA, comparable to that exhibited during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic by those born before 1957 (32), based on the similar genetic distances separating the childhood and pandemic virus HA in each case

The tree here would indicate that H1N1 like Covid just continued to evolve and become endemic, it didn't die out. Nowhere is it claimed that the genomes are the same. In fact as the CDC mentions, we had a full sequence by 2005 of the 1918 flu and it didn't match.


im_thatoneguy t1_jc7jzt1 wrote

You can intercept every phone call in the world but you're no closer to finding a call organizing a terrorist attack.

A natural language model could act like an agent listening to every single conversation intercepted in far more depth than current search engines.

You create a prompt like "conversation between two terrorists planning an attack" and then compare every phone call's text to how similar it is to the prompt's output space.

You could also go deeper and also include every conversation they've ever had to see if it's a one-off false positive or there are "terroristic" trends to their speech.

You could also potentially link accounts and phone numbers and recordings by creating a style profile of known language and then again comparing an anonymous sentence to "in the style of Terrorist John Doe" to find potential linked data.


im_thatoneguy t1_j9wipq5 wrote

It's very much the Mediatek vs Apple battle. Apple was eventually forced to sell lower-tier phones but they still make as much in profit as all of their competitors combined even though they don't have the majority of the market share.

What's interesting is that Elon said "FSD" was their answer to economy transportation and that a robotaxi would be next not an economy car. So this is Elon finally focusing back on classic hardware sales not autonomy.


im_thatoneguy t1_j9whr0f wrote

>Are you high? No shot a compact EV will be $25K and/or $250/mo. At least not in the next 5 years

Lol, you're so wrong, that it already happened, and you didn't notice. (This was before January 1st so this was pre-govt subsidies.)

2022 Chevy Bolt EUV - $239

2023 Bolt EUV LT – $27,800 (Before subsidies)

That's spitting distance of $25k.


im_thatoneguy t1_j9wh9gm wrote

You don't pay for any repairs with a lease.

Complaining about the life of EV batteries is a very 1990s complaint. That's what they said about Prius batteries, but Prius went on to be one of the most reliable and popular cars, even for Taxis with hundreds of thousands of miles. The same is true of modern EVs whose batteries very rarely fail and are warrantied for 8-10 years usually anyway.


im_thatoneguy t1_j8ixqgr wrote

> Does the car have airbags or not, to fit your analogy.

You can still die in an accident with airbags. Which type of airbags, which direction of collision, what's your speed? What is the frame of your car made out of? What was your body position at the time of the accident? Was your seatbelt fitted perfectly?

Only magical amulets imbue absolute protection.


im_thatoneguy t1_j75papt wrote

The AI simply helps an actor better impersonate a historical figures' known voice reading a known transcript. Should we not have actors recreate historical events? Is it bad to have an actor/impersonator read Abraham Lincoln's speech transcripts?


im_thatoneguy t1_j5krfc9 wrote

Their first RC plane scale prototype was on a glider.

It's just an alternative to turboprops or turbofans, so sure you could attach it to anything. You could attach a turbofan to a "glider".


im_thatoneguy t1_j5kr3rt wrote

>That's true. The main advantage of this over a turbofan is size - efficient turbofans are quite large.

The main advantage of this over a turbofan is that it can be rotated to offer VTOL or STOVL options.

Pretty easy to rotate a relatively low velocity duct vs rotating an entire turbofan or creating a complex orbital gear to deliver the turbine power to the fans. (See: complicated clutch issues with the F35 VTOL.)


im_thatoneguy t1_j5kq4iu wrote

> they definitely aren't "bladeless" so I don't know why you think that.

It's "bladeless" in that if you're a life-flight medic you don't have to worry about a blade lopping half your head off.

If you took the propeller off of turboprop aircraft it would be extremely safe, even arguably "bladeless" even though the turbine has blades inside of it.

It's a bad headline, but it's closer to the truth than I think you're giving it credit for.


im_thatoneguy t1_j5kowf4 wrote

>but the thrust is directed by something similar to what you see on a Dyson fan

Minor correction since we're trying to correct misleading headlines: the thrust isn't from the gas turbine, the air passing through the turbine is simply exhausted. The thrust is from a cold air compressor driven by the turbine shaft. So it's like a turbine powered helicopter or turboprop aircraft in that the turbine is used just like a piston engine purely for mechanical energy.

That's one of the features that the creators are advertising: the thrust is cold and relatively safe, like rotor wash vs standing behind a jet.

Also theoretically with breakthroughs in battery technology, you could skip the turbine entirely. The technology itself isn't reliant on turbines. They could use any power plant: piston, electric motor, Mr Fusion-- anything that can power a compressor.


im_thatoneguy t1_j5kod2u wrote

The compressor though will certainly have some inertia won't it? Not quite auto-rotation levels of power but, maybe enough for the chute to deploy.


im_thatoneguy t1_j5knwfo wrote

This can take off like a helicopter: VTOL. So imagine a medivac chopper that can then cruise at the speed of an airliner. You could fly direct from the front lines of a military conflict to a field hospital. In other words, you could get to a hospital 3x faster or 3x further in the same time.


im_thatoneguy t1_j51pb6h wrote

I believe that's still a point of interest without a definitive answer. There are studies which showthere is circulating spike protein. There are studies which show similar levels of S Protein circulation between vaccination and infection. But there are also studies showing that infection causes higher rates of myocarditis. Both could be true (Spike Protein could be one cause of myocarditis and the higher rates of myocarditis in infected patients being due to compounding causes in addition to the circulating S protein.) But I don't think there is even a definitive answer yet on whether the spike proteins are exclusively responsible for all of the vaccine induced myocarditis.


im_thatoneguy t1_j5164ex wrote

One reason recently is illustrated by the rare cardiac side effects from the various Covid vaccines. There's evidence to suggest that the virus' spike proteins themselves can cause damage to cells even just as non-functional fragments. So a sore and inflamed arm muscle from your deltoid muscle cells reacting to the spike proteins is fine. But if your heart gets hit by a bunch of Covid Spike proteins and gets inflamed that may be what's causing myocarditis even though they aren't being infected by a virus.


im_thatoneguy t1_j4x4d2t wrote

It's extremely low density. Not suitable for a car.

Similarly there was a battery swap battery that was an Aluminum metal battery. Amazing range. But required specialized facilities to recharge. So you would have to battery swap which is complicated and expensive.

The problem is that for most people, just plugging into their garage power outlet is the cheapest and most convenient system. (I'm not one of those people since I have no garage. But you design around the norm, not the exception.)


im_thatoneguy t1_j1l1ffj wrote

Also on TV the cinematographers have a larger responsibility for maintaining a consistent look and shooting style between episodes. So camera direction will fall more on the cinematographers than in film or commercial work.

TV direction has a lot in common with a theater/stage director that spends more time rehearsing actors and working performance than dealing with blocking and camera work.

Obviously this varies from film to film and show to show. Especially with so many single camera shows in streaming where you have one director who is essentially shooting an 8 hour long film.