
gothiclg OP t1_j26kps2 wrote

Reply to comment by Mr_B_Gone in Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand by gothiclg

I wouldn’t say I ever disagreed with her views enough for it to totally pull me out, even where I disagreed. One big thing in Atlas Shrugged is her disinterest in anything that might be considered for the social good, any programs that claim the greater good even if they restrict a little capitalism is bad. It’s when you combine that opinion with “my fellow man should be allowed to die if they can’t afford life’s basic necessities like food, water, and shelter” that feels like it takes it too far. That was most of the politics in this one, too. Not just a viewpoint that opposed my own but opposed them to a very very dangerous societal extreme that she seemed to want to normalize


gothiclg OP t1_j2454iu wrote

Reply to comment by 2012Aceman in Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand by gothiclg

She honestly was offering 0 new for the time period, 0. I say this as someone who had that many people alive at the time doing the same stuff. Open marriage isn’t any more common but it’s there and it was there during her time. Everyone you listed gets credit for offering evidence of what they’d found making them concrete, nothing about Mrs Rand sharing her sex life would have been so scandalous at the time it would have costed her a social life. Had she been cheating it would have been different but when a good chunk of others are doing it it’s not new


gothiclg OP t1_j242bei wrote

Reply to comment by 2012Aceman in Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand by gothiclg

Again I’m not seeing anything sexually liberated there either? Like do you see people before this book was published as super Christian “I only had sex in missionary and only in the confines of marriage” kind of deal? You realize we’ve had open marriages, cheating, sleeping around, and porn forever now right? Nothing about Rand was really new or spectacular and I’m not about to make her this weird new “women’s liberation” person. I have a grandmother, grandfather, great aunt, and great uncle who were all doing similar stuff but didn’t need to publicize it like she did to avoid scandal. The only credit anyone can give her is any amount of fame and money she had would have forced her hand into admitting having sex outside of her marriage in ways another woman of her era would not have had to.


gothiclg OP t1_j23wd4u wrote

Reply to comment by 2012Aceman in Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand by gothiclg

I’m sorry but did we read the same book? The only sexually liberated thing in the book is Dagne sleeping with 3 men over the course of a lifetime. My aunt was born the same year and I’m pretty sure every single one of her kids is from a different one of her 4 husbands. Sexual liberation is not “I enjoyed 3 men who were in love with me”.

Corrupt government I’ll give her but at the same time barely. Again it was really really really clear she was afraid of specifically communist ideals here, not all government. The book literally only bashed communism and not every government. I’d argue the book was anti communism but not anti government


gothiclg OP t1_j21nhg8 wrote

I feel like this was way too tinfoil hat for even communism though. I can sit down and listen to a survivor of the German Holocaust and that doesn’t sound tinfoil hat to me, it sounds insane that happened but not tinfoil hat. The book had strong “anything and everything done for the public good is 100% wrong”


gothiclg OP t1_j21mwt0 wrote

Reply to comment by philamon in Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand by gothiclg

Overcompensation based on upbringing I could understand. Living under that must have been terrible. We’ve seen completely unregulated secularism like her book go very wrong as well. I’m sure she was taught enough history to learn that even the most greedy country will eventually fall if ambition goes unregulated.