
edgeplayer t1_j99svpi wrote

If the sphere is totally precise, it suggests that the object is over-described in our space. Why is it not possible for its radius to vary. But we are dealing with objects that are spinning very fast. Maybe the spinrate, in rings is approaching the rate where it shreds. So the answer will be in a physical law that has spinrate as a parameter.


edgeplayer t1_ixoq8m4 wrote

No intelligence here. The forces at play here are the same as for schools of fish and flocks of starlings. Each one tries to maintain a relative closeness to others, while also maintaining a relative distance. The result can appear intelligent but is not.


edgeplayer t1_itr1ohc wrote

The insurrectionists needed a few, maybe 12 to 20, Capitol Police to allow them to cross onto the lawn. They knew before the day that these Police were with them and would let them through. Here we see one guy chumming up to a Capitol Police Officer in order to add one more to the list of "turned" Capitol Officers. We can see this being realized in the video of the event. Riley was groomed by Hiles to gain access without creating a scene too early. After the event Hiles has sought to keep Riley implicated to save his own skin. No wonder Riley is embarrassed.


edgeplayer t1_ir4gg2r wrote

Does it take ANU 150 years to publish a paper ?

But seriously, everything about this paper is flawed, Assuming building sites correlates to population is in no way a proxy. Look at current villages anywhere in the Pacific and you find a range of building/person ratios. This really depends on cultural practices. For example, look at Pitcairn Island and figure how many people live there.

Then there is the assumption that the variance is caused by disease. A huge human toll was due to tribal warfare when natives acquired guns after 1800. Some other stuff also happened in this period, and then there is emigration, as crew (Melville describes this).