
augie_wartooth t1_jdmjw3q wrote

Where did I say rent should never go up? I don’t buy for one second that some of the rent increases people are talking about here cover what you’re talking about in a way that’s not straight up exploitative.

“If you don’t like it, too bad, shut up” is basically what you’re saying here. I own, so this doesn’t actually affect me, but excuse me for having the temerity to care about other people I guess.

ETA My ideal solution is “don’t exploit people.”


augie_wartooth t1_jddgklc wrote

Reply to comment by ssgonzalez11 in Dmv and gifting a car by ssgonzalez11

Gotcha. I’m sorry to hear what she’s going through. I wonder if she could sell it to her partner for an amount he can get together and then basically just return the money in exchange for something else. I have no idea of legality of this but just a thought.


augie_wartooth t1_jddfuqa wrote

Can I ask why she is doing this? If it’s for Medicaid purposes, one car is exempt from the asset limit, and I think there is a 5 year lookback period on transferred assets.

Edited for clarity


augie_wartooth t1_jadrkrj wrote

The law says the landlord can charge any “reasonable” expenses above $50. If the application fee was truly $400, that’s unreasonable, but I suspect they had to pay $75 for application and credit check and $400 to hold the place. My last landlord did this and it’s unfortunately legal. With all those fees it’s unsurprising if it’s not clear what they’re all for.


augie_wartooth t1_jaccaly wrote

I’ll preface this by saying that your landlord is nickel and diming you and that really sucks, but is common. The short answer to “can they charge us this?” is “yes.”

Raising the rent by $100 isn’t out of step with what’s common and is allowed by law, and I honestly don’t think your rent seems that high these days, especially for a house in Lakeside.

You’ll also never be able to prove what fair market value of the house is; landlords can basically charge whatever someone will rent it for. Any landlord will just decline to renew your lease if you try because there are next to no tenant protections in Virginia. Technically that could be considered retaliation for asserting your rights under the landlord tenant act, but good luck proving it.

All of this is to say that you may pay less with another landlord, but with the vacancy rate what it is, especially in your area, you should probably stay put unless you have other issues with them.

ETA certainly look around, but I don’t think you’ll do that much better.