
ashleyorelse t1_jad1t1q wrote

Any decent candidate would have beaten Oz as long as people came out to vote, and they would have won because Oz is a terrible con artist.

People like Oz only run and think they can win because the greatest con artist of all time found the needle in the electoral college haystack and barely won an election he had no business winning.

So then every TV con artist thinks they can do it too. Well, PA didn't have an electoral college, and the better candidate won.

TL;DR - If you're not in a ruby red district or state, there aren't enough people who will buy your snake oil for you to win.


ashleyorelse t1_j5re1vf wrote

TBF, Lehigh Valley is in an area where the ocean may be a shorter drive. Same with Easter PA. The middle, it depends on where and what your priorities are.

For those anywhere in the western half of PA, it's much closer than the ocean. Even a central location such as State College, it's still a bit closer than the Jersey Shore.

Basically, anyone within PA and less than 3 hours drive to Erie is closer for sure than the ocean. Anyone in the western portion of the state is much closer than that.


ashleyorelse t1_j5kl7y3 wrote

That makes sense. You can just drive to the ocean faster.

But it's not just NWPA. It's for anyone who lives middle to the west of PA, it's closer to go to Erie. As in, well over half the state of PA has a closer drive to Erie than the ocean.

Understand that it's also a beach destination if people from Ohio and Western NY want a shorter trip.

Honestly every time I've been to Presque Isle in summer, the place is packed. And it's not a tiny peninsula.


ashleyorelse t1_j3hegko wrote

This is a good assessment.

The clock isn't low enough to justify running it into a defense that is loaded up to stop the run, even if you have Henry running it.

The move is to have the qb make a quick throw that ideally will give a reciever open room to make someone miss, and maybe even a big gain. Short of that, to surprise the defense and pick up a first down so you can keep milking the clock.

Dobbs should have thrown sooner or just run it himself, or throw it away if necessary.


ashleyorelse t1_izyfjn1 wrote

No wonder I devastated your argument so easily. You're used to arguing with inanimate objects that can't argue back. In any case, this is over now, as I said it would be. Have a nice day.

This would be the appropriate time to acknowledge your loss either explicitly, or implicitly by simply not responding. I'll thank you in advance for your graciousness in doing that. Again, have a nice day.


ashleyorelse t1_izy0xmj wrote

Let's break that down:

You're not being satirical, which means you are seriously taking up these positions.

I made some great points, and you know I did, so of course you hope I wasn't being serious. You don't even have a real argument for any of it. If you did, you'd have been responding with that. But there's a big reason you haven't done that, which leads us to...

What's hilarious is the classic pattern you're using once you realized you were losing this argument. To wit:

You know your argument has been absolutely devastated, so you refuse to continue making legitimate attempts, because you know they'll just be devastated too. BUT, you have to save face, so you decide to counter by insulting the other person and/or the argument itself.

Congratulations on being the most basic of internet trolls.

If I'm wrong about this and you want to show that, you'd respond to the points I made with legit arguments. But no one in your position who has chosen the path you have ever does that, and I seriously doubt you'll be the one to break the mold.

Instead, you'll come back with some other remark you think is a "witty" way to try to insult me and/or our entire argument because what I've just said now will make you feel like that is necessary. After all, you can't have me pointing out how ridiculous you're being without defending yourself.

If you somehow decide to be different than every other troll out there and actually respond to my points with legit arguments of your own, I'll be shocked, but at that point we can continue the discussion.

Otherwise, I'll simply tell you to have a nice day and move on.


ashleyorelse t1_izxuunw wrote

  1. I already knew that. It's what I'm arguing against.
  2. Under the new system, any kid does not have the opportunity to make money by sports.
  3. You haven't made any real points at all. You even assumes I didn't know the basic premise in your first point, which was never true. You don't even know what you're arguing.
  4. r/antiwork is a great sub. You don't understand it if you somehow think it's about being lazy.
  5. Not everything requires blame in this world. When there is blame, sometimes it rightly falls on the system. Perhaps you'd rather advocate for never trying to fix broken systems, but that is part of why we don't do enough to improve things that need improved.
  6. A good opportunity for some at the expense of others isn't a good opportunity. It's an entitlement for a few.

ashleyorelse t1_izxsolr wrote

  1. Schools can and should be using any money to invest in the activities and athletics programs to give more kids opportunities. Why should a few kids get to personally profit off of taxpayer funded programs?

  2. No, every kid does not have an opportunity to earn money from sports under this system. But they would if the schools got the money and reinvested in the programs. Which would make logical sense.

  3. You claim I lack understanding, but won't explain. So unless you're willing to "educate" me, I call BS. You're just trying to dismiss my arguments without making any of your own.


ashleyorelse t1_izxrxju wrote

I understand how it works and am not making assumptions.

Let the business get those benefits - but the money goes to the activities and athletic budget for the school. This benefits all the students rather than a few.

This is my point exactly - all the students should benefit. It's high school, not college or pro sports or activities.


ashleyorelse t1_izxrek0 wrote

A few things:

  1. It's not labor. They are kids doing a school activity. It's supposed to be fun and educational. These kids are not employees doing a job. It's not about giving them a chance to make money, nor should it be.

  2. It's taxpayer funded. This means to pay some kids and not others is to use the taxpayer funded system meant for education to favor some kids over others. That's ridiculous. Public education provides opportunities for all kids.

  3. What's odd is that anyone would ever see kids doing school activities as "labor".
