
artaig t1_jdwcde0 wrote

You need the buses to go to all the tiny villages to let grandma go shopping. They are already part of the landscape. Especially all kind of weird bus stops in the middle of nowhere. It was a national disgrace the day a British multinational (Arriva) bought the most loved local bus line (Castromil) with such a defining national name : the Castro culture was the most important period of ancient Galician identity and the time at which we got our name.


artaig t1_jdwbozz wrote

It's Galicia. The population is extremely disperse within the mountains and hills. It's a radically different ecological environment compared to the rest of the country, translated into a vastly different human environment. Whereas the rest of the country has big cities or towns separated several kilometers, Galicia is full of small villages and homesteads next to each other. There are 50,000 population centers (cities, towns, villages) in all Spain (except Galicia), and about the same amount just inside Galicia. The population though is not that big or concentrated, but very dispersed. Of about 47M people in Spain, only 3M live in Galicia. There are no "big" cities. The two major ones are about 300,000 and that's almost too much already.


artaig t1_jdt0iee wrote

"Democracy" and "political equality" are far removed from modern liberalism or whatever status quo we have in current times. I don't recall exactly at which point people started using "democracy" as a substitute for "representative government elected through limited suffrage" but there is more than a few written evidence about how the word was repudiated by non others than the "founding fathers".

Yes, old societies were (proto) democracies. No, ours aren't, aren't close to be, and could never be in the current system.


artaig t1_iy4iy6w wrote

I feel those are superficial things than in a condense format (movie) could take the viewer away from the real monsters. So instead of "the movie about some creatures" you would think "the movie about giant monsters".

The monsters are the Morlocks, enslaved humans by the capital, forced to work underground and deprived of their humanity, brutalized, that end up in the top of the food chain.

In yet another premonition of HG Wells the parallelisms with Soviet Russia are uncanny. The masses of brutalized peasantry, finally revolting and devouring the upper class. But the conditions to which they were subjected to hindered them for the coming decades. The brutalization stayed as their way of life; corruption, bribes, abuse of power...


artaig t1_ixm3o4t wrote

The places that became romanized were backwards regions; Roman culture was seen as superior by them and they wanted to be Roman. The East however, was more civilized than Rome, and they frowned upon everything Roman. Greek was seen as a superior language and culture to Roman (the very Romans adopted plenty of Greek things and every cultivated Roman had to know Greek to have some credibility).


artaig t1_ixh3mag wrote

This is tricky, as Columbus was indeed in Galicia for a time. What they try to link (proove) is Columbus parentage with an attested Columbus (Colón) family that lived for a time (since recorded at least) in a particular area of Galicia.

The start of this trend of "Columbus was Galician" stem from his writings, in alleged Galician. I myself think it's in reality "(Mediterranean) Lingua Franca", a sort of common words and grammar from all Romance languages mostly spoken by sailors. Galician, with extremely conservative Latin elements, may be considered the closest one.


artaig t1_iwphg7t wrote

Modern humans and Neanderthals evolved from the same parent species (which is debated). Traditionally, Homo Erectus.

Homo Erectus lived in East Africa and spread throughout the continent and into Eurasia and Oceania. Local populations in Eurasia, cut off (or distant enough) from African population evolved gradually into Neanderthal and Denisovan, adapted to those environments.

In Africa, Erectus evolved into Sapiens, who would leave Africa following the steps of earlier Erectus, and find the descendants of them living there, the Neanderthals.

Basically, Grandma Abilis had two daughters, Erectus I and Erectus II. Erectus II left Africa for Eurasia. Erectus I had a daughter, Sapiens, who left Africa and hooked up with her cousin Neanderthal, the son of Erectus II.


artaig t1_iw95624 wrote

Alibris. It's a page for local libraries to sell books internationally. You check all libraries with all prices. New or 2nd hand. I once got a 70 year old book at cover price, meaning I paid more for shipping than the book, which was in impeccable condition.


artaig t1_ivvbd8r wrote

What you say about monotheism and later Hinduism, is the work of Zoroaster. He deduced that if there is "the good" the that's the virtue of the one god (oversimplifying). He single-handedly gave birth to philosophy and religion as we understand it in the West. Before him, gods were but anthopomorfizations of vices/virtues and natural forces.