
abraxasisall t1_j1180fo wrote

They’re wrong, it can write proofs perfectly. I think it has limited characters (ASCII) available to express certain concepts however; if it could freely use laTex I think it would be able to accomplish exactly what we’re discussing.

I asked it to prove all kinds of math problems ranging from simple (using mathematical induction, direct proof, contradiction to prove things) to complex (prove certain functions f: Z -> Z are injective, surjective, or bijective (both), prove that the cardinality of Z, set of all integers, is less than R, set of all real numbers) and in the cases I tried, the proofs were sufficient. Remarkable.


abraxasisall t1_j10b2xb wrote

Reply to Cat choke slam by pencer

Can someone make a video of this but with the John Cena theme playing as soon as the one cat slams the other


abraxasisall t1_j0vubxc wrote

This is going to be what I find impossible to prevent; paraphrasing it and rewriting it slightly in your own words. I suppose one way to check it would be to have another program input a bunch of prompts and compare the original essay for likeness, in the same way that there are programs already that scour scholarly works on the web and compare for likeness; except this time it’s testing AI outputs.

Now if only it could write mathematical proofs for me..

Edit: it can fucking write proofs


abraxasisall t1_j0v0gya wrote

As I said, I appreciate your sentiment and philosophical ponderings. However, regarding your ponderings, we can apply Hitchen’s razor: what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. I prefer to see the world through a positivist epistemological perspective. Which is why I said all of the sentiment you’re discussing is hyperbole and I’m only stating that we live and then we die, definitively. Anything else is unknowable. Do what you want with the inbetween.


abraxasisall t1_j0ujs4r wrote

I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m not talking about attitude. I’m literally talking about how our “play through” is a permanent death, no respawn run through. Have whatever attitude you want. That’s part of the beauty of life; live it how you want; I am making no commentary on that aspect of living. Merely that we are living and will someday die. Nothing will change that. Lol