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abraxasisall t1_j0syo91 wrote

Except life the game is like Diablo 2 Hardcore mode (no respawns, permanent death), with the caveat you can’t start a new character when you die. So don’t fuck it up!


phayke2 t1_j0t34fl wrote

And there's scammers and Chester's everywhere


[deleted] t1_j0tjecj wrote



LinkTheTimeHero t1_j0umw3o wrote

That's the secret. The scammers and cheaters have no problem up and moving to find new meat. The honest people have a harder time rebounding from a fuck up because they care.


phayke2 t1_j0vbi8c wrote

Pretty much sums up online dating. The more you care, take it seriously or put effort into it the more emotionally draining it gets. So often what's left are lots of fakes, players and indifferent folk who don't care or see each other as people.


Gibblerco t1_j0tbs8s wrote

Even in hardcore you take your experience with you as a player. You know more of the game now and are more capable of advancing forward.


ToolComp5141 t1_j0thuqm wrote

Sounds like a horrible way to go through life.


abraxasisall t1_j0tnqbo wrote

Are you implying there’s a possible alternative?


blastuponsometerries t1_j0uhzjr wrote

Yes, actually.

But not a different life, a different attitude.

"Don't fuck it up" is way to high a standard. Everyone fucks it up, that is a major part of life. Such a high standard for yourself means you can only ever be stressed or disappointed in yourself. This makes it harder to learn and grow, ironically diminishing yourself. Especially common is something bad happens or someone fucks up something big. They can feel broken and ruined, regardless of how much other potential they have and don't see.

Let go of obsessively trying to craft the perfect "play through." Instead, embrace learning and growth, however messy fucked up way you arrive at it. Compassion for others is improved through accepting your own faults.

That is how you can actually lead a better life (just my opinion).


Rrraou t1_j0up8cf wrote

This, this is the answer. Fail faster, fail better. It's not about perfection, it's about not being afraid of getting back up and doing better.


abraxasisall t1_j0ujs4r wrote

I appreciate your sentiment, but I’m not talking about attitude. I’m literally talking about how our “play through” is a permanent death, no respawn run through. Have whatever attitude you want. That’s part of the beauty of life; live it how you want; I am making no commentary on that aspect of living. Merely that we are living and will someday die. Nothing will change that. Lol


blastuponsometerries t1_j0uldhc wrote

OF course

But how you approach that fact will make all the difference as you hit major roadblocks, derailments, and challenges to your core identity.

How we imagine ourselves and our lives going is mostly illusion in the face of an infinite universe and it helps keep us going. That illusion gets challenged and its far healthier to find a way forward in the face of temporary but shattering disappointment.

Even actually being able to comprehend the nature of permanent death itself requires a better understanding of consciousness than is current available. Simply a result of the level of scientific knowledge in the short time we exist.

We will not see the end of human advancement, only play our small part in its evolution. To me that is awe inspiring.


abraxasisall t1_j0v0gya wrote

As I said, I appreciate your sentiment and philosophical ponderings. However, regarding your ponderings, we can apply Hitchen’s razor: what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. I prefer to see the world through a positivist epistemological perspective. Which is why I said all of the sentiment you’re discussing is hyperbole and I’m only stating that we live and then we die, definitively. Anything else is unknowable. Do what you want with the inbetween.


Sporkfoot t1_j0ujof0 wrote

Shout out to those Stygian dolls in the Durance of Hate.


abraxasisall t1_j0ukf44 wrote

FUCK Stygian dolls; I’ve lost three level 95+ characters to dolls in the throne of destruction on the hardcore ladder over the years by getting overconfident in my GG gear and - pop - suddenly my deeds of valor were but a memory.


Unicorny_as_funk t1_j0u68yq wrote

Dammit I just lost the game!!