
ZylonBane t1_jefpxcz wrote

>The big thing about HL is that it was the first shooter with an actual story

System Shock would like a word with you. Then Strife. Then Terminator: Future Shock. Then probably another dozen or so early story-based FPS.

There is little that Half Life was the legitimate "first" to do. It just happened to do a whole bunch of things that had been done before but did them all very well.


ZylonBane t1_jcnt1c7 wrote

Redshift has nothing to do with position. Redshift is the photon equivalent of the Doppler effect. Just as sound sources that are rapidly receding sound lower-pitched due to their waveforms being stretched out, light from sources that are rapidly receding appear shifted toward red in the electromagnetic spectrum. So velocity is what matters.